[Thanks to uplo4d.com for the image hosting.. i love free hosting]
Well octopussys Team LTK wasn't runnin hot tonight :-/ so i chose to go in a DM 8 person max and play around.. in turn i found a few of the following..
These were in keef's finding but it seems as if
most of/all of the wall lights are low and will mess up you when in action.
This one is in the top top level in Control just LEFT of this picture when you crouc just before going through the opening there.. it will shoot you up through the ceiling for a bit there and then fix .. this all happens within seconds or so.. but a find none the less
(this is one part of it shooting you up into/above the map, you can see i'm now ABOVE the red light source)
I don't know if this is a glitch or not.. but my spray isnt transparent on this window... and also in control when spraying those center windows they just null out.. not sure if that's whats meant or not..
And this Light here.. has screwed me over a few times tonight.. it's realllly low :-/ thought i'd add that too