Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[ISSUE] Black screen

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This is a large issue for most of the new Valve games including Left 4 Dead.  It mainly involves an outdated GFX Card.  It happened to a good friend of mine when he bought L4D. He said that the screen went completely black upon launching the game, but he could still hear the music and sounds.

Do you own TF2?  If you do, do you get a black screen in that game?

Is it a SM3 problem as in you need a card that supports it?

Sean [Baron]:
What kind of GFX card do you have. If you dont have that option, do you have the latest DirectX downloaded, that your card can support?

Try going into the launch options in Steam and add "-dxlevel 81".
My 7300 GT gives me a blank screen on all Source games on DirectX 9.

I was having essentially the same "black screen" problem.  Then I tried changing the refresh rate, to no avail.  Then I changed the launch options as Rhymenoceros suggested, and then I started having this problem with the screen:

Is this a graphics card issue, or something I can fix some other way?

Also, sorry for posting in an older topic.  I figured it was better to continue with this one that already addresses my issue than to start a new one that might clutter up the board a little more.  :)


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