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[ISSUE] Server issue

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--- Quote from: mookie on February 10, 2009, 08:23:25 pm ---What does it give back from status? Copy/paste please. is a VPS so there shouldn't be any connection issues with port numbers.
That might work too, all I know is that what I posted works.

--- End quote ---

tried this too makes no sense so strange grr even the ports in tcpview show its listening and waiting and stuff!!

When I RCON status it looks like this:

15:26:27 status
15:26:27 hostname: | Apollo (Chicago)
         version : 3740 secure 
         udp/ip  :
         map     : ge_cradle at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
         players : 0 (9 max)

It should show you: IP#, port#, map name, and player limit. If it says to you then you have a problem with your hosting provider, because it isn't showing up in my HLSW, unless the server isn't running right now.


--- Quote from: mookie on February 10, 2009, 08:39:28 pm ---When I RCON status it looks like this:

15:26:27 status
15:26:27 hostname: | Apollo (Chicago)
         version : 3740 secure 
         udp/ip  :
         map     : ge_cradle at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
         players : 0 (9 max)

It should show you: IP#, port#, map name, and player limit. If it says to you then you have a problem with your hosting provider, because it isn't showing up in my HLSW, unless the server isn't running right now.

--- End quote ---

it shows it the same as this....i dont understand the issue i run a games server on this too so i know it works ok.... just not this damn server!!

The start command I run is similar to this:

--- Quote ---srcds.exe -game gesource -norestart -nocrashdialog -port 27015 -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 +maxplayers 8 +exec server.cfg +map ge_facility -console
--- End quote ---

Can try a modified that.

nothing is working maybe its because it sends udp packets to ping it and display it or somthing? and maybe the network rejects the udp packets.


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