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Author Topic: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing  (Read 27263 times)

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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2009, 12:07:46 pm »

One thing I'm noticing is that while the levels are beautifully designed, I'm noticing a lot of 'snag' points.  If you walk into things or walls with a lot of detailed brushes you get stuck on the hard edges.  It might only be for a second, but it's enough to ruin the flow.  It only seems to be limited to certain maps though.  I can't recall which ones right now.  I'll have to check later when I get back from work.

Easiest fix in my experience with fast paced Q3 mapping is plastering the map with clip brushes.

Even going as far as filling in small 90° corners with angled brushes to cause anyone who is hugging the wall to be gently forced out of the corner.  (I'm referring to small corners created by detailed brushes on an otherwise flat wall, not the 90° turns of the corridors themselves)
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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2009, 12:20:50 pm »

If we were looking for realism, I don't think you would get out of your spawn with a PPK (PP7) knowing there were people out there walking around with M16's (AR33) trying to kill you...


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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2009, 01:51:58 pm »

We apologise about the drop down menu in the server options. It will never be a drop down menu as long as Valve keeps with substabdard VGUI programming. I tried to get the drop down to work but it would only set an integer as the convar value not a string. There is nothing we can do about it (that code is locked in GameUI.dll)


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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2009, 03:36:25 pm »

This was debunked long ago when someone first tried to prove it with CS:S

TF2's hitboxes are apparently horrible along with the rest of the Source engines.  This video will show you the real faults in them:

Our Developers are currently working their best on fixing this as much as they can.

Stop bringing the realism argument, many games ae not realistic but still have their weapons balanced nicely.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 03:47:06 pm by keefy »


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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2009, 09:59:09 pm »

"it just often feels like a lot of encounters are spray-and-prays because of how seemingly random the hit detection is."
You just solved your problem; stop spraying.  Aim and put one bullet where it belongs.  Spamming ruins your accuracy, and low accuracy means lots of limb strikes that aren't worth piss.
What I meant to say is that it even feels like this when you're carefully aiming a pistol, so many players just give up and start firing a ton of shots fast in the hope that some will hit before they die. 

And yes, I'll definitely let my community know when you guys release patches.  We really do want this mod to succeed, even if many are impatient with it as it is right now.

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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2009, 09:59:36 pm »

One thing I'm noticing is that while the levels are beautifully designed, I'm noticing a lot of 'snag' points.  If you walk into things or walls with a lot of detailed brushes you get stuck on the hard edges.  It might only be for a second, but it's enough to ruin the flow.  It only seems to be limited to certain maps though.  I can't recall which ones right now.  I'll have to check later when I get back from work.

Easiest fix in my experience with fast paced Q3 mapping is plastering the map with clip brushes.

Even going as far as filling in small 90° corners with angled brushes to cause anyone who is hugging the wall to be gently forced out of the corner.  (I'm referring to small corners created by detailed brushes on an otherwise flat wall, not the 90° turns of the corridors themselves)
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This is actually a Valve issue with the snagging, on most parts. Some parts are just areas we have not playerclipped yet, or missed.
/Sean "Baron" Stock


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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2009, 10:14:32 pm »

In many cases where Valve may have broken something, I would not wait around for them to fix it.  For many of the problems your team faces, they're in no hurry to fix them because they don't (greatly) affect their own commercial games. 

Rather than wait for a patch that probably won't come any time soon, I would recommend some good ole thinking outside the box.  Also, chances are that another mod team has run into some of these issues.  I would ask around in mod developers' forums and other mods' forums to see if another team has already worked around whatever issues you may be having.  Never hurts to ask!  ;)

Sean [Baron]

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Re: Hit Registration & Weapon Balancing
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2009, 10:59:20 pm »

The problem with that is not very many mods have switched to the Orange Box engine, and those who have, haven't done much for releases. This problem was not in the previous Source Engine. Besides that, we have tried to fix the issue, and have thought up a few workarounds but we have to think of something that is streamlined as well, which can be difficult.
/Sean "Baron" Stock
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