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Author Topic: Start with PP7 by default?  (Read 22454 times)

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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2009, 06:32:25 pm »



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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2009, 06:48:30 pm »

I agree with this topic.  I think all servers, unless specifically slappers servers, should spawn you with a PP7 by default.  However, while we're on the subject of slappers, I would like to impress upon the design team that the slappers are inordinately difficult to use.  There is no real indication of whether or not you connected, and the range of attack is VERY small.  Of course, I'm not asking for a sniper slap, but there isn't any clear range.  I've played with it a bit, and I still find myself unable to get a feel for how close I need to be to initiate my slap.  A slight lunge might help matters, giving players a more visceral feel when they charge in for the attack, and also allowing slappers to close the distance when cornered by one of their gun wielding counterparts, thus making the slapper seem like a more viable weapon, rather than something that you are stuck with.


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2009, 06:50:27 pm »

this is defiantly up to the server owners... i really think what it is now is fine.. random weapon set's and random weapons works for me... why start off with a gun.. ALWAYS? half the battle is getting a gun in those servers you start with nothing


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2009, 06:57:30 pm »

this is defiantly up to the server owners... i really think what it is now is fine.. random weapon set's and random weapons works for me... why start off with a gun.. ALWAYS? half the battle is getting a gun in those servers you start with nothing

True, but when the server has upwards of 14 people running around, 12 of whom are packing, spawning becomes more of an exercise in futility than anything else.  Trying to find a gun whilst a shotgun wielding fiend is so close behind you that his barrel is tickling your sphincter may be fun once in a while, but when it starts happening every time you spawn, it just becomes frustrating.


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2009, 06:59:42 pm »

<wall text here, check the above post>

The slappers are one of the "weapons" that still have an itchy hit detection, one of the problems that bugged Beta 1.1. Nevertheless they are being worked on in order to get some improvements on the faulty fields.

On another note, I agree with stating armed with a PP7. It get really annoying when you spawn only to realize you can only slap people in the face and you happen to find that the person right in front of you is an armed foe. You should get the chance to at least scratch RCP90-wielding enemy right out of the spawn point.

The slappers have always been a last resort weapon, ahead of the Klobb. It is normal the their base damage remains the same but their effectiveness in combat increases when the hit detection issues are resolved. Until then, we will have to stick to what we got and pray to God to make you run faster.

Now responding to Sp1nn3y's post: it is difficult to get a gun in crowded servers because you'll always get someone who'll steal your weapon or ammo. I think that in some situations starting with a PP7 or other small gun would help, specially if the server's weapon set is power weapons.


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2009, 08:12:16 pm »

True, but when the server has upwards of 14 people running around, 12 of whom are packing, spawning becomes more of an exercise in futility than anything else.  Trying to find a gun whilst a shotgun wielding fiend is so close behind you that his barrel is tickling your sphincter may be fun once in a while, but when it starts happening every time you spawn, it just becomes frustrating.

Hey valk buddy, I apologize for that day when you were not getting a pp7 and also to other people. I have fixed the issue. It is now working. I will see you on soon


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2009, 09:42:54 pm »

Hey valk buddy, I apologize for that day when you were not getting a pp7 and also to other people. I have fixed the issue. It is now working. I will see you on soon

Sweet.  Now, which server is that exactly?


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2009, 08:49:02 pm »

Sweet.  Now, which server is that exactly?

 Goldeneye Source Beta 3|East Coast Server|

Still being setup right now though. Will let you know soon


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2009, 09:13:25 pm »

ge_startarmed is already in the mod. Value 3 giving you lowest gun in the active weaponset. so a lot of times the weaponset will give you pp7 or pp7-S, or of course dd44, cmag or klobb

What you need to do if you want this on a server is contact the server or try talk to an admin on launch days. They are usually around early on in a release/patch, and get them to learn how to host the mod in ways the fans will like. We cant cater for everyone so starting with pp7 will never be hardcoded into the game.


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2009, 09:49:55 am »

Value 3 giving you lowest gun in the active weaponset. (...) cmag (...)

The Cmag is not one of the lowest weapon on any set. It is god damn hard to use (once you get used to use it), but is far from being the lowest weapon on any set. If it is faithful to the original in terms of damage, then you should be very afraid of that weapon. It made AR33-wielding foes cower.


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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2009, 03:00:53 pm »

In 007 that was true.  In Goldeneye Source, even though the accuracy is great (within inches at 20m without sighting, almost perfect when sighted) and the revolving delay as low as we can feel comfortable putting it, it's still difficult enough to use against a power weapon that it fits the low (pistol) slot perfectly here; a weapon that can get a kill if you use it right and have a tactical advantage, but a poor choice in a dogfight.
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Re: Start with PP7 by default?
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2009, 05:37:31 pm »

When I said it made AR33-wielding foes cower I did not explain my idea correctly. What I meant to say was that it was a precision weapon, more powerful per shot than the AR33 or the RCP90. It wouldn't win in a dogfight as VC pointed (unless you were playing against spammy noobs) but if used correctly, i.e. aiming for the upper part of your foe's body, it would make the difference. The revolving delay also conditioned its use in GE007 though just as it does on GE:S. It is a difficult weapon to use and should fit in the "weakest" weapons category (hence fitting in the lowest slots), not because of it's low power but because of the inherent difficulty of its use.
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