Editing and Customization > Tutorials
[TUT] Setting up hammer for GoldenEye: Source BETA 3
I added info_player_spectator, start, mi6 and janus and the load failed. I also tried raising them off the grass and the same thing happened. :(
I've compiled in cordon mode and with no lighting ATM, if that helps.
is there a info_player_deathmatch, as well as the 4 you have listed? That could cause the problem. I actually had a similar problem when I first started trying to mess around with hammer for ges
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
you're going to need to change all but one of the starts into deathmatch i think. quick and easy with the entity report
Cheers, that worked. I must've overlooked the _deathmatch when I was testing the spawns. :)
Mark [lodle]:
any chance you can send me the map that crashed ges so i can fix the crash?
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