Editing and Customization > Tutorials

[TUT] Setting up hammer for GoldenEye: Source BETA 3

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I'm working on it now.

Was just a couple changes to instructions and Pictures.


Mark [lodle]:

--- Quote from: Zippy on February 11, 2009, 12:17:15 am ---I'll do it, is the wiki editable by all users?

--- End quote ---

It is, just need an account. :p

The hammer setup WIP: http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/Setting_Up_Hammer

Sean [Baron]:
Should probably repost this with everything all together, just for easy of navigation for people, or point them to the wiki, either or.

On the map I'm currently testing, I can spectate fine but as soon as I try to join a team the game crashes. Any ideas why this is happening?

Did you add any player spawns? if so are they in the ground/ or maybe too high off ground.


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