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Author Topic: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...  (Read 41555 times)

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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2009, 05:49:43 am »

Most people I've played with so far are treating MWGG like standard DM... that's not the way it's done, right? Shouldn't people tolerate each other to a certain extent? At least not kill unarmed people just trying to find a gun? Or at least not killing AFk people? Shouldn't people be more worried about the MWGG, and obtaining it for themselves? Of course killing other people is necessary, but... ugh, I think you know what I'm trying to say here.

Hold on a minute, I'm able to pickup body armor as MWGG? At least I think I did a few times. I thought the MWGG couldn't pick up armor? Wasn't that the way it was in the original? I haven't played it in a very long time.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 05:57:11 am by The Beatles pwn j00! »


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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2009, 06:09:38 am »

We amended our gameplay due to the fact that there are more then 4 players now. The MWGG can only pick armor once if they haven't ever picked it before grabbing the gun.

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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2009, 08:23:18 am »

Ah, I see.

(The following is a rant. Please allow me to vent :). I'm not taking things TOO seriously here. I don't really think badly of anyone. And I know it's just a matter of time. Really I'm just bored and killing time here.)

Apparently 7/10 people currently playing don't grasp the concept of the "Man With the Golden Gun" mode. They're treating it as if it's normal DM.

How utterly stupid does one have to be to say "the golden gun is so cheap" in MWGG mode? Yeah, they're saying that while killing off people who represent NO strategic value regarding obtaining the GG.

They are making no effort to go and get it, as they are apparently ignorant of it's significance. Letting the same guy keep it in his possession for long periods, letting him rack up points like no other while they go and pick fights with random people, and therefore sealing their fate as losers of the round.

Idiots are firing each other, ignoring that yellow dot on their radar closing in (or ignoring their radar altogether), making it easy for the MWGG to wipe them all out while they are distracting each other. And then they complain. Obviously, take care of MWGG first, so he doesn't RAPE all of you and get a bunch of points. THEN worry about each other as you each go and scramble for the GG. FFS.

The fail is staggering. And the things people say...

I can't wait until people learn to play. I've won my last five matches with an absurd score, BUT ONLY because people are DUMB. :(
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 09:19:08 am by The Beatles pwn j00! »


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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2009, 09:35:51 am »

Well, due the fact there are mostly random weaponsets on the MWGG servers too, if there is a AutoShotgun, Remotemines or even a AuPP7 i go for that one instead of the AuG.
Hunting down other players without AuG is far more easy then go and get the MWGG and risk to be killed with one shot. There are no real advantages of killing the MWGG and you risk to be cursed with the AuG when killing him.
Sure it's not the way MWGG should be played, and that might be something to think about for the patch or beta 4 (e.g. giving more score for killing the MWGG).
I also could imagine to change the gamemode a little, like having teams and the AuG has not to be picked up, it's assigned at start to one of the players, whoever kills him will be the MWGG till he died.
And if there are a lot of ppl on a server, what about more then one MWGG, so if there are 5-7 ppl there's one MWGG if there are 8-12 there are two.
And what about force the MWGG to use the AuG?


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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2009, 10:01:30 am »

We agree with your rant but thats because we are educated on the game. People arent "stupid", thats not why its just they are just new to settling in. I really hope the community at large gives this game a fair go and realizes that 3 days in is NOT going to be the optimal time to formulate opinions or say the game sucks or anything like that. Learn all the game varieties the servers are giving you so far. Then note that servers will align to all the different options we have when they become aware of our scalability (impressive imo).

The community can always help in this. For instance the "Right To Rule" servers are 26max servers which is fine if they werent always deathmatch and random weaponset. This gives the game a sameness feeling more than the original designed, and if all players join the "largest servers" only you wont see all the variety this game has.

In GoldenEye: Source, joining the server with most numbers shouldnt be your first move :) Figure out what you want from Goldeneye: Source and head to that location!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 10:06:01 am by Wake[of]theBunT »


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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2009, 10:26:05 am »

^^agreed. MWGG has a peculiar game mechanic. When I played it with my friends in the N64, the guy who got the GG was in for hell, because everyone would team up to kill him and then rush for the prize and turn their backs on the ones that were once your companions...
It is all up to the people you are playing with; it depends on the way they like to lay that mode. Scout for MWGG servers and see which ones play that mode in the "correct" way and then stick to those.

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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2009, 10:50:18 am »

for me when i play MWGG i head straight for that yellow dot to try and kill that bastard so i can get the uber score, and anyone in my way while im headed there is just a speed bump i have to kill.

maybe to make killing MWGG more of a forced gameplay, we can do like a smear the queer kind of a thing, where the GG is on a team by himself, and everyone has to hunt him down. if you kill him, you get the GG and 5 bonus points for the kill.

either that or maybe a team Men With Golden Gun, where one person per team gets the GG, and it switches to a new player when the GG dies. and once you have the GG you cant switch the weapon over. and the only way to get points is to kill the golden gun carrier and the whole team gets 5 points per kill.

both those could be fun game modes that foccus more on hunting down the GG carier.
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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2009, 12:03:01 pm »

I don't know about the teams thing. I mean, everyone should want the GG, AND to keep others from getting it as well. So you need to kill other people too.

And I could imagine all the other players rushing the MWGG, and swarming him into a corner. When he dies one in the swarm picks it up, now also being forced into that corner and probably dying quickly, and repeating the process. Wouldn't that scenario happen quite often, you think? At least on larger servers/smaller maps?

What about making it so that you can only get points when killing with the Golden Gun (AND killing the MWGG)? That way people will have no choice but to go for it if they want to win. And it makes going for anyone else useless except for still allowing the necessity of killing other people for strategic reasons.


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Re: Question about LTK... and various issues...
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2009, 12:08:36 pm »

I know this isnt the case in the original ( I had to go check for myself) but how about having Armour absorbs 1 bullet of GG that is if it is full?

« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 12:10:13 pm by keefy »


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Re: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2009, 01:25:38 pm »

The original did not have that implemented. No armor for the GG carrier, unless he picks it up first and not 2x health because you have armor. GG has always been one shot one kil; I think it should stay the way it is.

maybe to make killing MWGG more of a forced gameplay, we can do like a smear the queer kind of a thing, where the GG is on a team by himself, and everyone has to hunt him down. if you kill him, you get the GG and 5 bonus points for the kill.

either that or maybe a team Men With Golden Gun, where one person per team gets the GG, and it switches to a new player when the GG dies. and once you have the GG you cant switch the weapon over. and the only way to get points is to kill the golden gun carrier and the whole team gets 5 points per kill.

both those could be fun game modes that foccus more on hunting down the GG carier.

It would definitely be a worthy upgrade to the MWGG game mode and make more people play it the way it is meant to be played (nVidia payed me to say it).


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Re: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2009, 08:05:17 pm »

Let's not muck with MWtGG.  It functions appropriately and it's up to the players to play it properly.

KM and I went in circles over "bonus point" bullshit and it all stinks.  If killing the golden gun guy is worth five points, you just avoid the AuG and instead camp it to kill noobs who are stupid enough to go for it for epic scores.  And why 5? Why not 3 or 30?  It's all arbitrary.  And why should the AuG be a Kick Me sign on your back? The whole point of the mode is to avoid getting fragged while using cunning strategy to win the AuG for yourself so you can dominate.

And don't forget we have Live and Let Die already slated for Beta 4, which turns Golden Gun combat on its ear.
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Re: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2009, 09:42:40 pm »

What is AuG?


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Re: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2009, 09:49:41 pm »

What is AuG?

Golden Gun. Au is the symbol (or name if you prefer) for Gold in the periodic table, hence the name AuG.
And why Au you ask? Because of the latin word for gold, Aurum.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 09:58:43 pm by PPK »


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Re: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2009, 09:56:25 pm »

Its so confusing, I just started playign Quake live and all i see on those forums is
RA, LG, RG, YA, RL, MG, MH,  then there are the maps CA1 dm3 dm6 yet the names in the server  browser say trinity, place of many deaths and now more abreviations to learn its hard work thsi playing video games.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 09:59:11 pm by keefy »


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Re: LTK, MWGG... Various issues...
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2009, 10:47:47 pm »

You are my new hero, and your rant is my new monologue. Thank you.

MWTGG is a game that plays itself. Unfortunately some people don't get on the band wagon, time will tell if "adjustments" need to be made, I will speak with VC and say that "bonus points" however arbitrary are just that and detract from the focus of the gameplay and that is to pwn people with a 1 hit wonder.

MWGG should NEVER be played with Random Weapons.
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