Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[BUG] Most Honorable AND Most Dishonorable.

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I don't know if this is actually a bug, but I'll show you guys anyway.

Its not technically a bug, and a lot of us find it hilarious. Kind of a quirk. We noticed this in testing

This is one thing i cant recall if it existed in GE64, but its a cool thing imo

It was very rare in GE64 since you could only get 2 awards maximum per person. However, it did happen!

This is NOT A BUG. This is a gameplay feature, that way honorable and dishonorable is calculated is completely independent of each other. However, if you get Mostly Harmless and Most Deadly in the same round, then that is a bug. Catch my drift?


--- Quote from: killermonkey on February 08, 2009, 06:17:39 pm ---However, if you get Mostly Harmless and Most Deadly in the same round, then that is a bug.

--- End quote ---

Once I got Most Deadly in a round in which I certainly wasn't the most deadly. Probably an occasion error, though.

It's a bug in goldeneye so you choose to keep in? How bizarre.


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