Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback
GoldenEye: Source Beta3
I'd just like to say congratulations on this beta release. I played the first beta and it was very fun. Then I stepped away for awhile, checked out moddb and saw that beta 3 was released. So I told my bud and we both downloaded it and played for a few hours (as you can see by it being 1:30 am when I'm posting this... :P.) Such an improvement over beta one.
I noticed on your website that you are looking for programmers. I've been programing on and off for awhile now, going to school for Engineering in Computer Science. However, I don't have much experience with it, but once I start getting some real experience and better at it; where I could actually contribute to a team. I'll be sure to get back in touch with you guy if you are still in need of help. Sorry if I got you excited, then let you down though.
Thank you for this wonderful mod. Just superb.
[GoldenGirls]Bea Arthur:
Hey Cypher I played with you a while ago against mjin. He was a tough customer.
I played with a bunch of dev guys on their hosted server until it crashed :(. I was having a ton of fun. You guys truly did an amazing job on this mod and I think I found myself a new favorite.
I'm also working on a map for GES so maybe someday it will be out.
Just wanted to say thanks for making such an awesome mod.
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