Howdy folks,
Well what a day! With over 3000+ page views, thousands of downloads, and hundreds of players in-game, the team is very humbled and excited that the launch of BETA 3.0 has been received as such a roaring success. The developers have been in-game a lot as you may have noticed, answering questions and quite frankly just enjoying the game with all of you. Constant praise, thanks, impressions, and suggestions are given and we are very appreciative!
Download now and join in on the fun!
Official Mirror:
ModdbOfficial Mirror:
FileFrontOfficial Mirror:
InternodeFor more mirrors, and for our server and linux files, head over to our
Official Wiki
Check out our official wiki which has been packed full of many helpful pages by our coder guru, killermonkey. Full info on client setup, server setup. As well as help for server configs, and their relevant cvars and conditions. Head straight for "Articles related to beta 3"
Check it out Plus the mirrors which are always updating can be reached from the wiki front page as well!
Server Education
The wiki is a good place to get info and will only become better as the week goes by, however we would like to give the server community some basic advice to keep your patron, our fan base, happy.
One example, It's probably not going to be smart to have LTK mode with 32 players in Deathmatch. So if that is what you planned or have in place right now, think about adding the cvar value
ge_teamplay 1 to your config file! This way, now the gameplay is Team Deathmatch and you only have 16 possible enemies to hit you in one shot.
Second example, instead of having long maps that go for 30+ mins during
round based gameplay, try utilizing
mp_timelimit 15 with the additional value
ge_roundtime 300. This will give you 3 rounds of 5 mins per map of 15 minutes in length. If you want a longer feeling round, you can always make your
ge_roundtime MORE seconds than your
mp_timelimit value so that only ONE round is played per map or
Here is an example list of the varying conditions and server limits you can have that will give us all hours of balanced fun :
- 16 max | Deathmatch | all maps excluding ge_complex_classic
- 8 max | Deathmatch | random weaponset
- 4 max | [anything] | _Classic maps only
- 32 max | TDM | excluding MOST classic maps
- 20 max | DM | large maps only
Simple things like this can help make your servers more appealing. And remember there are endless combinations you can play around with for game-modes and weapon sets. Get on the wiki for specifics and then get in and tailor your servers for the benefit of a growing fan base!
We are pleased to announce the GE:S team have 2 official servers currently, provided generously for free by that has some of this guideline in place, Check them out! and there will be 2 more official GE:S server coming online within 24 hours. [Deathmatch 20man] [TDM 24 man]
We appreciate
all the providers of GoldenEye: Source servers and we should all try support them and help them, as they help us play this great mod!
Video Contest!
Alrighty its time to whip out your videography skills community, and prepare your sony vegas' and final cut pro's for a workout.
This contest is to make the most entertaining beta 3 community video. You can do anything your imagination draws to and we cant wait to see them run wild, but we'd like to see elements such as fly through angles and basically not just First Person View in your footage. Show off our mod in as many ways as you can.
So have fun, make some demo's and record up some sequences in any style you excel in. Machinima, trailer style, or epic gameplay pieces. The better you are at all these the more appealing and entertaining your showcase will be! The best will be judged by the team but the best few submitted will be displayed on our youtube channel, luck, and one thing to note : You MUST use goldenEye: Source music, sourced from the
BETA3 OST, as we cannot host up or accept as a finalist any videos with copyright music we don't have permissions to. You can however make your own music to use in the video.
The winner of this will likely be invited to the developer group as official videographer. Tell your talented friends, they could be a GE:S Dev too!
It must be noted to server providers that
Linux binaries are acting up. We realize it is unfortunate for Linux server hosts at this time, but we are working hard to get a fix patch for this. You can still host a mod on a Linux setup but do it at your own discretion, because your players may have issues with using chat and basic use commands. VOIP will work.
Again, thanks for this day we have longed for so long, we will begin working hard for you asap to patch the very few issues/bugs that have been reported on windows servers, into a small download available in just a few days! Now you can stop reading, start downloading and getting in GE:S servers.
Thanks community
Team GoldenEye: Source