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BETA 3 Released! (Follow Up)

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Awesome! I've been playing around with this mod for a good while, and have been very excited to see BETA 3 come out. I'm so glad it has, and can't wait to try it! :D


--- Quote from: _Barron on February 08, 2009, 05:30:48 am ---Hi,
First up F***ing great work on the mod guys. Just one major problem though...

In the client zip download it seems that the file zil131_open.vvd is corrupt and now for me to play the game I must redownload the entire 500+ mb installer, therefore using over 1gb of my download limit.
I was just wondering if someone could please upload this file to filefront or something of that nature for me, I would be very VERY grateful :)

--- End quote ---

Here is your file man. Hope it works out for you. :)


I just saw this mod on Moddb about 2 days ago and saw the extremely low countdown for Beta 3.. now myself and half of my friends list has been playing it :D great work guys

(my comp allows me to get 9-30fps on GE:S tops but it isn't stopping me :D  15ping is win i must say)

All this Beta 3 release non-sense is going to have to make me replace my sig >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

For the video contest, I made a this today. Ok, it suck and I could do better, but meh... That's only a beginning. Don't worry about the retarded voice, i'm French, so...  :P
You can watch it in hd here :


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