Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes
[USER SETTINGS] Crashing after round end? D:
--- Quote from: Windeh! on February 15, 2009, 07:10:28 pm ---Well gentlemen, I have founded the culprit, it was the fact that I was changing my video settings. If I don't it doesn't crash but it plays poorly, so if you guys could maybe give me a list of code to put in my autoexec for: High models. High textures. No HDR, No AA, 16x AF, Simple reflections. I would be much obliged. :D
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Try these
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mat_vsync "0" //v-sync off
mat_hdr_level "0" // HDR off
mat_hdr_enabled "0" //Not sure what this doesbut its off
mat_picmip "0" //0 = high. -10 is highest.
mat_antialias "0" //AA off
mat_forceaniso 16 // 16X AF
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--- Quote from: SharpSh00tah on February 15, 2009, 07:41:33 pm ---go to your video options in game!
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It's doing that that makes me crash dear sir, it seems every time I change options after the game has loaded it crashes, I'm gonna try keefy's commands though, cheers everyone :D
--- Quote from: killermonkey on February 11, 2009, 11:04:19 pm ---My idea is that your GE:S installation is incomplete. You might be missing this file:
Try doing this in the console while in a server: showpanel "roundreport"
If it crashes, I guarantee that's the culprit. I will post that file for you if you need it.
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The same thing started to happen to me two days ago. I remember installing some Source mods and games, and, after uninstalling it, always when I play GE the game crashes on round end. I typed this command on console, and the game crashed indeed. I´ve checked this file you mentioned and it´s there, so I don´t know what´s happening. I´ve already reinstalled the game, Steam (backing up the Source SDK Base and Orange Box files) and my video card driver. So, what do you think it is? Should I download all the Source files again?? :'(
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