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Opinions on Beta 3?
--- Quote from: major on February 10, 2009, 07:25:52 am ---Yeah default map length is too long. I've been testing different map lengths and seems about 16-18 minutes is about prime. (defaults what 25-30)
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Agreed 100% it just allows enough time to play a good few rounds then get on with the get go.
--- Quote from: Sean [Baron] on February 08, 2009, 06:07:13 am ---No, if you turn off your radar (client side) you are still on radar for everyone else.
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I clearly already know that. I was making a Suggestion. I wasn't saying it was already like that.
Hello guys,
This mod is awesome and so addictive ;D Nice work!
--- Quote ---Killermonkey:
To do a 100% assurance that you will not spawn next to someone would be extremely computationally expensive.
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How about calculating the distance of the nearest player for each spawnpoint, and then let someone spawn at a spawnpoint where the nearest player is as far away as possible? Maybe not a good idea when the distance between players is too long like in Runway and there are not much players on the server. Then calculate a nearer spot but not that close anyway. That isn't expensive, right?
--- Quote ---Killermonkey:
3. We have plans for hit location HUD graphic
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I have an idea for that. The health HUD is roundish, so how about a bended bar that rolls around the health HUD, depending on where the bullets came from.
--- Quote ---Killermonkey:
you have to have skill to succeed unlike most games these days.
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--- Quote ---PPK
This auto-switch feature should be changed in the next patch, I think, in order to work more like the way Storm101 said.
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How about an no-auto-switch option that does switches to a picked up weapon, but only if the player hasn't picked up a weapon after spawning. That way, if you have auto-switch turned off, and you are in the middle of a fight while being naked, you can get straight into the action so to speak. When you are in the middle of bullits flying around your head you want to instantly have the picked up weapon selected.
What I'd personaly like to see in beta 4 (just my personal opinion, this is not a request ;)) are things that make Goldeneye so much goldeneye:
1) Rolling explosions, smoke afterwards and upon exploding the screen shakes.
2) Everything should explode. Chairs, crates, the whole bunch.
3) Rocket launcher and Laser
The above would make the mod soooo much more Goldeneye.
A sugestion about tagdolls and standard animation: Is it possible to make player moddels make a sort of over-the-top jump by means of physics/animation and ragdol later. This would make GE:S more like GE007, but at the same time ragdolly :P So that a player would still fall down the stairs like in RL but make a crazy jump or throught-grab before doing so :P That would be soooo totaly nice :D
Ruone Delacroix:
--- Quote from: V!NCENT on February 10, 2009, 04:10:22 pm ---A sugestion about tagdolls and standard animation: Is it possible to make player moddels make a sort of over-the-top jump by means of physics/animation and ragdol later. This would make GE:S more like GE007, but at the same time ragdolly :P So that a player would still fall down the stairs like in RL but make a crazy jump or throught-grab before doing so :P That would be soooo totaly nice :D
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That would be hillarious watching all these people "jump" to their death. That would be something to add in my book if possible.
They could animate deaths like those in GE007, since they have an animator now. I'd love to see them slip on a banana peel or fall in a pose like Jesus Christ.
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