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Opinions on Beta 3?

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--- Quote from: Yoohoo on February 09, 2009, 01:33:22 am ---Yah, this is Yoohoo the best LTK player on GE:S. I wanna say that Ge:s is by far one of the best mods I have ever played. I love it and it is VERY well done. Definitely deserves MOTY 2009. THANK YOU GE:S TEAM.

I have a couple of suggestions for the newborn mod:
 1) One of the things i hate is the way the 3rd person reload animation is too long, I.E whenever another player reloads their animation takes longer than the actual reloading time, this confuses me all the time when im getting shot by a reloading person.
2) New gamemodes, like man with the Golden Gun (If its already not available)
3) And finally the sound whenever you die can sometimes be louder than the music. And trust me, the music is so well done that I dont want anything louder than that.

Thats all i can think of now, and Again thank you GE:S team you mad a borderline perfect mod that me, and many others love.

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Thank you for your comments Yoohoo! Agreed on all but the last point. We are working on Custom Third Person animations for Beta 4 (we didn't have an animator until recently). We are also working on more game modes to be released in patches and Beta 4 (Live and Let Die, Flag Tag, Capture the Key, etc.).

As for the special music (on death and round end) the sound is attenuated on purpose so that you hear the special music and not a mix of the map music and that music. This is how GE64 worked and it is really nice. Trust me when I say before I implemented that it was a mess when you died to hear 15 different musics.

The recoil on the Bishop is the same if you are sighted or not.

Shotgun has an interesting reload time issue, that's probably what you are noticing.

KF7 was absurdly overpowered in Alpha.


--- Quote from: killermonkey on February 09, 2009, 04:10:26 pm ---that is why shotguns blow back so much, they are not spam sticks, you have to take your time to get a good shot, same with the sniper rifle.

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I'm sorry but I'm going to back HK on this one, you shouldn't write off some of his suggestions completely but HK you could have worded that little be better LOL. If you guys aren't gonna get rid of the head bobbing when shooting or being shot at then please, please for the love of god reduce the amount of it because it giving me motion sickness.

--- Quote from: killermonkey on February 09, 2009, 04:10:26 pm ---To sum it all up, your crits are down to the fact that you don't see the strategy in the game.

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Well I hate to blow my own horn but I'm already a good player who can dominate matches on beta 3 and I can tell you from virtually all the games that I have dominated, it's because my strategy has explicitly been to avoid the shotguns at all costs (because of too much head movement). Even if the gun I get is a little less powerful than it.

If you come to me with either shotgun and I have an KF7/AR33/Phantom/RCP-90 you have little chance, you better make sure you get me at point-blank range and to the head with either shotgun. The shotguns themselves are fine, it's just the head movement is way to much.

Don't get the wrong Idea, I'm not making a personal attack on you or anyone, don't take it to heart because I think what you guys are doing (and have done) is great, I appreciate everything and I think BETA 3 is awesome. However you need to understand people like me and HK have been playing the older versions of GE:S for years and put up with the issues on a regular basis (like almost every night!), we are huge fans of your game so keep that in mind.

Beta 3 is almost like a completely different game to the older versions and takes time to get good at it again (it didn't take long for me though). Anyways with that out the way here are some of my thoughts so far:

The Good

- New Cradle tune  - awesome, adds a new dimension to the map
- Runway             - Wow, just wow, again music is amazing and the violin makes my hairs stand on end.
- New modes
- <3<3<3 AR33 (loving all the new guns though)
- Not easy to dominate by a huge amount.
- New players have a much better chance against experts than before.

The Bad

- New complex tune  -  after a while it gets annoying and doesn't feel right for the map.
- New Temple tune   -  It seems a bit weird but doesn't annoy me that much.
- Crouch jumping has issues, you can not fluidly crouch jump through windows on cradle. The game starts having a spasm when you try.
- Too much head bobbing
- Random weapon set spawns - Everyone spawns with the same weapon, it gets insane when everyone spawns with Timed/Proximity mines (or golden guns). I think It should be randomized for between each player not just each round. By the way what random number generator are you using? do you know about the C++ boost libraries? and the random number library?
- Map length time is a bit long (but maybe it's a server setting?)
- Everyone spawns in the same spot dies....
- Spawn points - KM I know you've been working on it so don't take this to heart but sometimes the spawn places are really bad, especially in team modes. Many times I've spawned next to the other team (like 4/5 of them). Do you not use any heuristics that take into account teams?
- I was killed by a sliding door closing on me...
- Sticky objects issues is still there and now players get stuck together too :(.

The Ugly
- Klobb LOL
- Sticky players :/

I'll add more at another point in time.

I'm not skilled with the Shotguns, but when I use them appropriately I deliver plenty of justice.
1) Rocksalt Shotgun is supposed to be bad. In GE007, it never appeared without All Guns.  You had to stick it against someone's head to do 99.999 (non-lethal) damage to the head. It was that bad.  It has been buffed, but it is not meant to stand against power weapons.
2) Assault Shotgun has been buffed and when used properly, it can defeat a player with full HP/AP.  Learn to use it and it will deliver.  No, it is no longer a death beam like it was in Alpha.
3) I will consider reducing the recoil level.

We are using the stock cmath/rand() function.  It shuffles plenty well, but the off-the-cuff weight distribution is clearly sub-optimal and will be adjusted for the server patch release.

Servers can set the match length, but the default may be adjusted downward, it is a bit long.

I did not maintain low tones when I reported that door to the mapper.  He failed to respond apporpriately and I may apply a browbeating.


--- Quote from: snk_kid on February 09, 2009, 09:10:12 pm ---
- Map length time is a bit long (but maybe it's a server setting?)

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Yeah default map length is too long. I've been testing different map lengths and seems about 16-18 minutes is about prime. (defaults what 25-30)


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