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Opinions on Beta 3?

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Yah, this is Yoohoo the best LTK player on GE:S. I wanna say that Ge:s is by far one of the best mods I have ever played. I love it and it is VERY well done. Definitely deserves MOTY 2009. THANK YOU GE:S TEAM.

I have a couple of suggestions for the newborn mod:
 1) One of the things i hate is the way the 3rd person reload animation is too long, I.E whenever another player reloads their animation takes longer than the actual reloading time, this confuses me all the time when im getting shot by a reloading person.
2) New gamemodes, like man with the Golden Gun (If its already not available)
3) And finally the sound whenever you die can sometimes be louder than the music. And trust me, the music is so well done that I dont want anything louder than that.

Thats all i can think of now, and Again thank you GE:S team you mad a borderline perfect mod that me, and many others love.

After 3 solid days of playing (little sleep the first night ::)) I'll give my impressions.

Gameplay-wise it is much better than 1.1 in that it feels much more like the original, and you have to use strategy for everything. The weapons look, sound, and feel great. Bass and Audix did incredible on the tracks; Bass's Silo is unbelievable. The round based gameplay is different but paces the matchs nicely.

As far as negatives, too many servers don't have startarmed activated, which can be very annoying especially when there's more than 5-6 in the game. I miss being able to vote for the next map and many of the other admin plugin features that the servers had back in 1.1

I hope people will start porting over those community maps pretty soon to strenghen the selection. Overall, the game has improved vastly over all these years. I'd like to add my thanks to the developers for their work and dedication. This mod has grown since the alpha days ;)

Konrad Beerbaum:

--- Quote from: Yoohoo on February 09, 2009, 01:33:22 am ---2) New gamemodes, like man with the Golden Gun (If its already not available)

--- End quote ---

MWGG (Golden Gun) is in beta 3 already. 

hi all
i was like dieing to play beta 3 for ages then it comes out just a week before my birthday and well i am sort of disappointed after playing only a few sessions.
i like how its all presented ( no intro vid ? )the joining screen, player model selection,  end of round report is nice, music is done really well only a few maps i thought the music wasn't right, just didnt fit the map and it was really bad ( temple_classic  is one of them)

its the gameplay thats just not right from the player restricted movement to the HUGE recoil on guns( mainly shottys i think )

sniper rifle if u use the scope the recoil is a joke ,dont use scope no recoil,aim mode is a bit fast /delayed

shotguns my fav weapons are messed up !!

the auto is no longer a auto, its like just a normal shotty but slower, recoil is so huge it moves the player head so much that the aiming is messed up,auto in any other game is AUTO ,it should be a BADASS GUN but it isnt

the pump shotty which i was looking forward to, is just werid ,same recoil as auto ,
maybe have the cocking sound for the next shell being loaded would be better as i would know that the gun is ready to shoot and not going to stutter on me ( maybe lag/ reload has a delay or something ,sometimes it reloads quicker with only 2 shells fired than 4, other times slow

in beta 1.1 it was just a cool gun to unload u knew u had a chance get a lot of kills with it
in beta 3 its a totally different gun ,sound,feel,
ive not used it much as ive not had many kills with it
zoom/aim mode is a bit fast zooming in and the aiming crosshair takes ages to come on

the short rounds are annoying , its like i just want to play, not stop every few minutes

random guns sucked ,everyone having mines at the same time ?

what happened to just looking for weapons?
i like alot of the new guns,game modes

--- Quote from: killermonkey on February 08, 2009, 02:57:35 am ---
 We have plans for hit location HUD graphic, it didn't make it for Beta 3 and IMO is not that important with a lower player count. Even with a pointer to your enemy, on cradle it would be very hard to determine where they are anyway since its so far away (small angle locally for large changes in absolute position)

--- End quote ---

 in beta 1.1 it worked ,u knew where u were getting hit from even on cradle u had a sense of which direction it was coming from !!

anyway its a good start for a new beta of ges i can see it getting alot better with a few tweaks/changes/updates  8)

HK, a lot of your suggestions are related to the new weapon damage and accuracy values. I will say that it is almost exactly like the original Goldeneye, please don't compare to the old Beta 1.1 those were completely crappy values. The balance and tweaking to the weapons is due to strategy, that is why shotguns blow back so much, they are not spam sticks, you have to take your time to get a good shot, same with the sniper rifle.

To sum it all up, your crits are down to the fact that you don't see the strategy in the game. Give it a few more days and it will become very apparent why the design is the way it is, you have to have skill to succeed unlike most games these days.

Thank you for your comments, though, we take them to heart when we model our gameplay!


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