Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[BUG] Wrong translation

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I have corrected "gesource_french.txt", but as you said, special letters like "รจ" appear as square.
In beta 4, it will be fix, I hope... ^^

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
if you sent it to mark (lodle) it WILL be in

Konrad Beerbaum:
We should be able to get this in, along with the french characters, within a week or 2, you won't have to wait until beta 4. 


--- Quote from: Konrad Beerbaum on February 08, 2009, 06:53:05 pm ---We should be able to get this in, along with the french characters, within a week or 2,

--- End quote ---

So I just have to wait for the patch to get my translation finished. Good, because words without Portuguese (and French) letters seem awkward.


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