Editing and Customization > Modding Help
Jonathan [Spider]:
if you make a better looking skin that the one i did, were gonna have to put you on the team haha. i personally am still not to happy with the way some parts of the RCP90 look so im interested to see what your take on it is going to be like.
Bathroom SEcurity:
Man, I dunno what to do.
Here's the GuiStudioMdl log for the compile:
--- Quote ---Loaded QC file - "F:\decompile2\GS P90\rem\mdldecompiler-old.qc"
Created command line: "F:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\studiomdl.exe" -game "f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf" -nox360 "F:\decompile2\GS P90\rem\mdldecompiler-old.qc"
WARNING: AppFramework : Unable to load module p4lib.dll!
qdir: "f:\decompile2\gs p90\rem\"
gamedir: "f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf\"
g_path: "F:\decompile2\GS P90\rem\mdldecompiler-old.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "mdldecompiler-old.qc"
SMD MODEL .\/P90.smd
writing f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf\models/weapons/kf7/v_rcp90.mdl:
bones 5840 bytes (22)
animations 0 bytes (0 anims) (0 frames) [0:00]
sequences 0 bytes (0 seq)
ik/pose 164 bytes
eyeballs 0 bytes (0 eyeballs)
flexes 0 bytes (0 flexes)
textures 536 bytes
keyvalues 0 bytes
bone transforms 3056 bytes
collision 0 bytes
total 10908
writing f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf\models/weapons/kf7/v_rcp90.vvd:
vertices 369696 bytes (7702 vertices)
tangents 123232 bytes (7702 vertices)
total 492992 bytes
Generating optimized mesh "f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf\models/weapons/kf7/v_rcp90.sw.vtx":
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 72 bytes
strip groups: 200 bytes
strips: 216 bytes
verts: 69318 bytes
indices: 52470 bytes
bone changes: 8 bytes
everything: 122348 bytes
Generating optimized mesh "f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf\models/weapons/kf7/v_rcp90.dx80.vtx":
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 72 bytes
strip groups: 200 bytes
strips: 216 bytes
verts: 69318 bytes
indices: 52470 bytes
bone changes: 200 bytes
everything: 122540 bytes
Generating optimized mesh "f:\program files\steam\steamapps\[No peeky at my email]\team fortress 2\tf\models/weapons/kf7/v_rcp90.dx90.vtx":
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 72 bytes
strip groups: 200 bytes
strips: 216 bytes
verts: 69318 bytes
indices: 52470 bytes
bone changes: 200 bytes
everything: 122540 bytes
Completed "mdldecompiler-old.qc"
--- End quote ---
Here's my QC file:
--- Quote ---$cd ".\"
$modelname "weapons/kf7/v_rcp90.mdl"
$model "v_p90" "P90.smd"
$includemodel "weapons\v_models\v_p90.mdl"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_models\sfk.p90\"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_models\v_hands\"
$attachment "muzzle" "p90_muzzle" -0.00 0.00 -0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
$attachment "1" "p90_base1" 3.90 -5.40 -0.00 rotate 0.00 -130.00 0.00
$surfaceprop "default"
--- End quote ---
And it shows up on HLMV:
And this is what it looks like in GE:S
I'm gonna give up on this for now :b
Ryan [Saiz]:
that is because you decompiled someone elses model. All the animations are flipped 90 degrees. So on the animations at rotate -90
Bathroom SEcurity:
I see what you're getting at, but it's a little more complex. Yes, I decompiled the model, but if you look at the QC, there are no lines for the animations. That's because of the $includemodel line, which tells the compiler to use the animations in the original, non-decompiled models.
Why use $includemodel? Decompiling Orange Box models messes up the animations.
Ryan [Saiz]:
No matter what when you decompile a model it rotates everything. And since you are referencing a model that we aren't using that could cause more problems. And why are you replacing the kf7 with it but naming it v_rcp90 if you compile it to that directory you can not move it to another directory.
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