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Author Topic: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?  (Read 181354 times)

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The GE007 Grandmaster

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #150 on: February 12, 2009, 11:17:01 pm »

How about putting in the James Bond that looks like Sean Connery during the opening scene in Goldfinger? You know, the one with the white dinner jacket that was rumored to be in GE007? :)

Also, how about allowing dual weapons (if it's not already there) and also, having one gun in one hand and a different gun in the other (like in GE007 single player). ^_^ I agree with the others... I would like to see the rest of the weapons. ^_~
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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #151 on: February 13, 2009, 12:23:28 am »

How about putting in the James Bond that looks like Sean Connery during the opening scene in Goldfinger? You know, the one with the white dinner jacket that was rumored to be in GE007? :)

i was going to do that with the bond model personally.. to show off mah skeelz i was going to do a good pierce one too... once i get the models to open -.-  but i second this as well :D and maye.. a bond... that looks like.... bond..


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #152 on: February 13, 2009, 11:00:35 am »

and maye.. a bond... that looks like.... bond..

Copyright prevents that I guess.

The "All-Bonds" famed feature of GE007 would be a nice addition to GE:S; extra characters never hurt anyone, although it will take some more work from the modeling department.


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #153 on: February 13, 2009, 12:10:40 pm »

dk mode


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #154 on: February 13, 2009, 12:27:20 pm »

A few people have mentioned the fact of bond not looking exactly like pierce. I think from mid-long distance he looks enough like him to be iconic that its goldeneye bond.

Its part of our design choice to stay off the radar, spider our Character Lead chose not to have bond (especially) able to be claimed as copyright on pierce's personal rights. Our artists are amazing and could easily have replicated the looks. Just look at "boris" which kickflipkid stays very faithful with simply because he wanted to handle it that way.


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #155 on: February 13, 2009, 05:30:54 pm »

Its part of our design choice to stay off the radar, spider our Character Lead chose not to have bond (especially) able to be claimed as copyright on pierce's personal rights. Our artists are amazing and could easily have replicated the looks. Just look at "boris" which kickflipkid stays very faithful with simply because he wanted to handle it that way.

Ahhhh i never did look and see the aspect of copywright... good move jetthro..(sry i like NCIS heh)


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #156 on: February 13, 2009, 05:35:10 pm »

I like NCIS too. Too bad agent Caitlin died.

Boris turned out great. Spider really caught his look.


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #157 on: February 13, 2009, 08:32:53 pm »

What I don't like about the models/aniamtions is that everyone is all hunched over HL2 style or has their arm in the air.  Goldeneye characters stood erect.
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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #158 on: February 13, 2009, 08:49:43 pm »

not for long hehe

also erectlol

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #159 on: February 13, 2009, 09:04:59 pm »

Nice, hope you can make it on the team Kinky and fix that. :)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #160 on: February 14, 2009, 12:50:22 am »

kinky needs to finish his fire animation first lol.

but yea thats the big reason why i didn't make bond look dead on to Brosnan. we are stepping on enough toes at MGM and i wouldn't want Peirce to be able to come after the project on his own.
As for adding in the other bonds, doing them is also on my list but again I'm going to take a few liberty's to capture the bond essence but not the actors exact likeness.
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Lucy Lawless
« Reply #161 on: February 14, 2009, 10:40:11 am »


I´d like to see the following stuff in Beta 4:

3. Natalya / Xena

Thanks a lot for your work guys :)

That's an excellent idea! Maybe as an alternative to "The Man with the Golden Gun" there could be a "Kill Xena" game mode where one player spawns as Xena and instead of the golden gun she gets an enchanted chakram that ricochets around the map, following players and taking their heads off. Whoever kills Xena becomes Xena. If I had money, I would PAY to see that!

Seriously, I think the mod is coming along great and feeling a lot more like GE64. I say once you have enough done to resemble the majority of the original, introduce some new game modes or maps to keep things interesting. Maybe even recreate single-player with GE64 content as well as new campaigns of your own. I know there are purists out there who object, and they should be able to host their own servers with purist maps and settings, but I wouldn't mind seeing creative new content as an option as well.

Most posts will state the obvious. "insert X feature from GE64", but from what I can tell there isn't a whole lot missing. Maybe have some server sided options that behave like the unlockable "cheat" options that weren't necessarily cheap. Something like ge_unlimitedammo 0 or 1, or ge_fastmode 0 or 1 (actually, there's probably an sv_something that does that), or ge_allweapons 0 or 1. Some of these wouldn't necessarily need sv_cheats so long as they didn't do something unfair.

Unlimited ammo + rocket launchers annoyed the hell out of me, yet I had friends who insisted on playing it and it was interesting devising strategies to kill them in their camping grounds.

I've noticed that the crosshair, especially with the sniper rifle, isn't as swervy as it is in the 64 version. Personally I found GE64's "realism" in that sense annoying, but if you're going for as much trueness to the original as is reasonable perhaps try to recreate that?

I'm sure some people miss the fact that almost every prop had hitpoints, and exploded when "dead".

Body Armor itself had hitpoints, and when it was damaged, the value of the armor you got from picking it up was reduced.

It used to be possible to juggle ammo crates by shooting them, some ammo crates even split in two when shot. In GES they hardly move unless hit with a throwing knife.

I don't have my N64 with me right now, but if I did I would play some GE64 and try to see what other little details I could find.

I wouldn't mind seeing something like ge_startarmed_weapon where the recommended value could be something like a silenced pp7, but server admins could use whatever. Starting "armed" with a rambo knife is hardly useful compared to some of the brutal weapons in the game which are actually feasible. Very few people could take out the equivalent to an entire swat team with a Rambo knife. Being spawn-killed annoys me, on the 64 I would usually let my opponent grab a gun, only shooting them before that if they loaded (grabbed armor before a weapon). In GES I feel that I have no choice but to shoot unarmed players as that's what I should expect from them, assuming they aren't slapping the hell out of me when I'm preoccupied with an armed opponent when they should be focused on finding a gun of their own so they can kill the victor of that fight.

Besides giving server admins more control over gameplay mechanics (maybe stuff like the value of an ammo pickup or how much armor body armor grants if it's in the game at all), maybe give the player a menu where he can quickly select a specific gun (it was in GE, but I was thinking quicker, like PD's), or perhaps being able to assign a key to a gun, or array of guns based on personal preference. For example, I press C and based on my preference it attempts to pull a Golden Gun, should I not have that, it'll look for an RCP-90 as that's my next "preferred weapon".

It's not a big deal, I suppose, but right now it's either have automatic pickup and die auto-switching, or die fiddling around with numbers 1-6 trying to find what weapon I want to use sometime after I pick it up. In GE64 I pretty much memorized how many times to press A for every weapon set, in GES the weapon sets tend to be too random for something like that to be reliable, even if invnext/invprev are bound as to emulate the A button. (well, I suppose it is actually feasible should I know exactly what weapons I have on me at any given moment, and what their priority they've been given, but PD's menu wasn't too bad and so long as it looked like the GE "Q watch" interface I don't think too many people would complain).

I just suggest simply giving server admins complete control over how their servers mechanics behave, have well defined default values that can be found if need be that behave as closely to GE as possible, but allow enough tweaking to where if a server admin wanted, he could create something that he might not be able to do in GE64 (like a round without armor or less value from armor pickups). Maybe have the server browser reflect this so purists don't have to hop 75% of servers to find one that's "pure".

Thanks for all that you guys have done so far, I've played for about an hour or so just about every day since B3 came out and it's vastly superior to B2 (or whatever the last one was) which didn't run well for me and actually lessened my desire to play. Needless to say, B3 is the best so far and I look forward to future revisions, though I don't feel that there's too much left for you guys to do as far as original GE content goes (short of recreating SP). Keep it up!

Also, the music is awesome. I don't think too many remakes go through the trouble of music remixes and creating new, realistic sound effects. Being good with C++, 3DS, and Photoshop is one thing, and it's respectable at that, however being good with music isn't as often seen. Don't get me wrong, though, without all of those "departments" working together, this mod couldn't possibly exist, and I appreciate it all, but it's nice to have good remakes of the soundtracks opposed to no music or lame rips.

Off topic, could some of you posters keep the length of your posts down? No offense or anything, but long posts can be a pain to read.

Edit: Oh yeah, don't forget about Xenia Onatopp. I don't know if she's been mentioned yet but she was as much of an antagonist as Alec Trevelyn.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 11:59:46 am by Nesseight »


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #162 on: February 14, 2009, 03:05:29 pm »

I want a server interface that reflects on the interface in the original when you select the type of games that you want. I never liked the way steam servers run but a graphical interface would be nice.


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Re: Lucy Lawless
« Reply #163 on: February 14, 2009, 03:38:09 pm »

That's an excellent idea! Maybe as an alternative to "The Man with the Golden Gun" there could be a "Kill Xena" game mode where one player spawns as Xena and instead of the golden gun she gets an enchanted chakram that ricochets around the map

Or rather, give her a grenade launcher and an RCP90 like in that single player mission. xD
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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 4?
« Reply #164 on: February 14, 2009, 06:31:04 pm »

One of the things that I did not enjoy were the new maps. I really liked them but I thought the temple map was rather dull and boring. That is just my opinion so you don't need to like it. Otherwise, I thought this game is one of the best games I ever played in the pc.

I just think that there should be a manual interface before starting the game similar to the game, or there should be a manual tool to easy edit the games features.
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