i really love the beta3 so far,but still i have some critics that could be fixed:
-Ourumov(looks kinda crappy without his hat)
-Bond(doesn't really look like Pierce Brosnan, he looks more like a usual office worker^^)
-the sound "glitch" when you shoot a weapon and reload just after the shot comes out of the barrel...the gun sound just cuts off(this is just a little thing i noticed)
-it happens often to me that it starts lagging pretty bad, when i go into a ventilation shaft... i don't know why this is happening...its like something would push me back all the time.
-the weapons are all ok, and so on, but sometimes the hit detection is still a joke, even if you "aim down sights"
-add more lights in the levels, some levels are so dark that you can barely see anything
-yea and maybe add a few more maps
-oh yea, everybody(devs and gamers) the last thing, make more internet blogs, ads etc. to make the mod far more popular and famous than it is right now