Yeah, think I brought up a few too many things in the last "input" thread. BETA 3 is balls-to-the-walls awesome even without the few things that are missing.

Alrighty then.
-Dual-wielding weapons. However, there needs to be some sort of requirement that needs to be met before someone can be holding two. Otherwise, everyone will just pick up two and then everyone's spraying everything guns akimbo.
-Bunker i
-Bunker ii
-Subterranean Caverns
-Rocket launcher
-Grenade launcher
-The tank?
In specific maps, another version of the antenna cradle would be awesome.
I like the current one. It works well.
However, there are several things that could always be improved.
1. Keeping the three towers with the walkways would still be fine. Or perhaps just having the one walkway on its own? The cable car from the film would be a nice touch as well. (Though that might not work perfectly if there's no base connected to the other end.

2. lulz, Rocking the Cradle just started playing in Winamp.

3. The lower part of the cradle (called the azimuth arm) really ought to extend to a length longer than the main triangular support of the structure. The whole thing looks scrunched...
4. Having the azimuth arm rotate along its track now and then would be kickass.
5. The antenna itself could be longer. It too looks scrunched.
Though I can see why it wouldn't be too terribly long, as it would be a chore getting back up without getting shot by someone looking down.
Just something that would be very rad if created for the final version of the TC.

So, yeah. That's my input.
Thanks for reading.