Global Communications > Mike's Blog
Mike [fourtecks]:
I just thought I would quick rant about one of my favorite weapons in this mod, the grenade. You have the ability to 'cook' the grenade by holding down the fire button. By doing so, you can time your grenade to blow up at the right moment if you play it right. I've gotten really good at doing this, resulting in KillerMonkey swearing over his microphone at me.
Alternatively, if you like to play dirty, you can continue to cook the grenade and blow you at your target up without throwing it, assuming you are near them. You are damaging your score, but it can be fun and sometimes you get some great responses over the mic.
Sean [Baron]:
Yay, kamikaze strategies are back! And some lovely grenade cooking. I still remember those days I didn't know what cooking a grenade was so I just left the Z button pressed thinking it wouldn't blow up, but I always turned out toasted. Funny times, those...
One question: can you shoot grenades in mid-air and make them explode? I guess you could do that in GE007; correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you can. I remember a time when I threw a grenade and an explosion happened, and the grenade exploded mid-air killing me :(
"I just thought I would quick rant about one of my favorite weapons in this mod, the grenade. You have the ability to 'cook' the grenade by holding down the fire button. By doing so, you can time your grenade to blow up at the right moment if you play it right. I've gotten really good at doing this, resulting in KillerMonkey swearing over his microphone at me."
Guess what I did the first time Lodle showed up to a test when we got grenades in. Cook, bang, cursecursecurse. That's what makes Grenades the most skill-related explosive in our game. Anyone can UFO and a vegetable can use proxies. Timed is tough in combat but you can rock anyone who doesn't know you are using them. Grenade is a skill wager and you will end your inning if you fail. Good stuff.
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