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Question about Goldeneye S and Mani Mod

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Just confused about something. I have used mani admin for a year now and will that work with goldeneye source? I thought mani admin mod was for counter strike source only. So you basically can you use mani mod for any source game only?

Thanks for helping me clear it up.

Yes mani mod will work as long as you set it up right. I dont know why anyone would wanna use it tho. With LUA scripting and such you can do far cooler things with our game like tailoring conditions. Things like any maps you want to have certain gametypes (pretty sure) and some release documentation on the wiki and official updates in the forum will cover these things.

I tried to get mani mod on board with us, but they didn't respond to my requests. You technically can't use it without the appropriate plugin with all our variables and stuff. We will try to release something or direct you guys somehow to easily manage your servers.

As for LUA, that's for advanced users, but it definitely is a lot more extensible than Mani ever will be.

:cries: I wanted mani admin to work, though patience is the key to life and I will wait until mani responds to your requests.  Thanks for the response guys. Good luck!

Mark [lodle]:
I thought lua wasnt an admin tool though?

Last time the basic functions of mani worked (as its still a source mod) and should be the same this time. If i get time ill give it a test run.


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