This is a server variable that will have a significant impact on gameplay. Needless to say, anything of significance and gameplay-impact in GES came out of my mind, was assaulted with the
Chaos Grid, and the brusied remnants is what makes it through the filtre.
ge_startarmed was intended to determine the player's weapon on spawn, and to enable a server to handle LTK specially, since LTK is very different when a player starts with a gun or without, and a server may want to arm players in LTK but not in the other scenarios. So, I drafted it thus:
0: Slap in DM, Knife in LTK.
1: Knife in DM, Pistol in LTK.
2: Pistol always.
I know, very complicated, and doesn't address the problem. Fortunately, KM saved the day an implemented the following:

As you can see, the Chaos Grid added new modes that are so great I never even thought of them. Plus, it enables new weapons. In earlier incarnations, 3 started player with knife and pistol, but Xzibit showed up and said "Yo Dawg, I heard you liked knives and guns, so I put a gun in your knife so you can shoot while you stab." Teddy Bear was originally envisioned as a special item that would protect you from instant death when jumping from a catwalk in LTK, but now that LTK falls aren't instantly lethal, Teddy Bear is now a weapon for the German localization. Since Germany censors any violence, German players will be compelled to run LTK+Start Armed 3, where players use the Teddy Bear to put their Friends to Sleep. Player to put the most friends to sleep gets the Sandman Award.
But there's a number after 3, so let's have the most armed starts possible! Borrowing from other great FPS's of the past, Start Armed 4 starts players with the ASMD Shock Rifle (it was going to be Moonraker, but ASMD has a cooler beam) and for LTK, the BFG9000 is clearly a weapon for everyone to start with.
BOOOM!Oh, and the whole LTK functionality thing; I don't think that actually works...
This message brought to you by the Ministry of Things That Don't Exist. Enumerating Silenced ZMG, Start Armed 3, and everything else that was put into this mod without privilege of existing outside the fever dreams of madmen since AD 2005.