Hello everybody, my name is X-tra and I'm acctually 14 years old. I know that i'm not that old, but i't doesn't mean that I have no quality. I actually put a maximum of effort in each of my maps. I'm trying to fill up every corners with details to make things even better. I have great knowleadge about optimisiation, such as hints, func_details and other things. I'm also not afraid about displacements and I know almost every entities. I think I can make awesome things.
I have great potential and work a lot, so I thing I would be abble to be in the team.
I know that you guys are surrounded by many level designer. What I mean is that you don't realy need one more. But what do you want, I love to create map for HL2 and other games sooo much that I do that almost everytime. I must tell you that I created my first HL1 map 3 to 4 years ago, so I have some knowledge about mapping.
I am now going to show you some screenshots of my favs work.
L4D map ( Wip). As the SDK is not out yet, I did it whit HL2:EP2, by the way.

Some old TF2 work

Css map

HL2 maps

I have plenty of other stuff so... Ask if you want some.

As you can see, I work for almost every valve games. I can do almost every kind of map. Exterior maps, water maps, forests maps... and of course, interiors maps.
Thank you guys.