Oh man. I meant to write a comment yesterday when I saw the update the first time..but I never got the chance. AWESOME work you guys. This looks so promising and wonderful. I love to see perfect hit detection (as far as i can see from that video). AWESOME coding killermonkey.

I can't wait till February. However, I have 5 critiques.
1) First, the weapon selection side bar has got to go. I thought you guys decided on a selection method this for this version that didn't involve the side bar from beta 1. Did none of them make it in the beta? Or at least, like a previous post said, get rid of the half life 2 sound.

2) I am not sure if it really is or not, but it truly seemed like the AR-33 had PERFECT accuracy...which seems a little unrealistic on a few of the kills that were shot on runway from like half way across the map. He was also burst shooting with 1 or 2 bullets and they nailed the other person every time. Just seems a little to accurate for an AR-33 while standing that far away.

3) Guess this isn't really a critique, but Ryan told me that there was an option to disabled the first person death cam. So if I disable that (because half life 2 physics jolt the body too much to where it makes me sick) will it just zoom out to a 3rd person view of my body dying like in counterstrike source? Also, I assume that I will also not get the blood going down the screen if I were to turn off the first person cam. Is that correct?
4) The phantom didn't seem to do very much damage. Did it seem a little weak in power to anyone?
5) The blood going down the screen was a really good implementation..however I didn't like the fact that it went "choppy." I prefer a smoother blood flow going down the screen. Maybe for the next release? Just a suggestion.