Global Communications > Development Media
[CHAR] Oddjob High Poly Render (12/01/06)
I don't think running into "likeness rights" is going to be any problem.
In all honesty, spider, I never really liked this model of yours before, and I knew that you could have made it better. It's a little better now, but I REALLY think you should redo the base mesh. It's just not the best I've seen you do. The problem is that it really doesn't look like him, and it doesn't quite look HUMAN. Nice job on the zbrushing though, that did put some much better details in him.
That's an awsome (odd)job done and dusted. Don't overwork it. Congrats spider.
:: I don't think running into "likeness rights" is going to be any problem.
If he were still alive I'd agree, but once someone die, a caball of zombie lawyers is formed to look after The Estate. And they will attack anything that moves. John Cage, the mentally coo-coo "composer"'s Estate is known for taking large undisclosed sums for rock bands in the UK if their albums have too much silence between songs. No shit.
Very nice spider cant wait to see the finished normal ingame ;)
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