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GES Update 1/19/09

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Sean [Baron]:

--- Quote from: killermonkey on January 20, 2009, 04:50:13 am ---Yes silenced weapons are separate weapons entirely just like GE64
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I still disagree with this decision, as it was easier to navigate through our weapon selection the other way.

As you can see I don't get everything my way. Lol

Rodney 1.666:
Hmm... Both ways have their perks.
I've gotten used to the alternate fire, myself. It's easier in all respects.

Silenced weapons give you one major advantage: no tracers.  Granted, that means you don't get an aiming hint when you fire unsighted, but it is very difficult to figure out where fire is coming from when you don't see any tracers whizzing by.

Ruone Delacroix:
Very nice update! And thanks, Major, for announcing the update in game. The MP5K (Or D5K as its known in the GE universe) looks amazing. Those were always one of my favorite submachine guns in the original. I'm not too in love with the splitting of the alternate fire/silencers. I have gotten used to it, so it'll be different to go back to how it was. That being said, I do understand your decision because your mission is to recreate the integrity of the original GE64. So, seperate guns they will remain.

Keep up the updates.

Jonathan [Spider]:

--- Quote from: Viashino Cutthroat on January 20, 2009, 03:43:23 am ---If I recall, the silencer wasn't silver, it was just shiny.  Either way, we're just recycling the PP7-S silencer for now.  Here's how Silenced D5K made it into Beta 3:

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your missing part where tex was like "hey spider Texture the silencer" and iwas like "yo send it to me" then he did.. so i did and blamo its in game and stuff.

and the silencer is black not sliver.


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