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GES Update 1/19/09

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Hey community!

So I bet you want some more? Or at least it is safe to say you won't be against seeing more goodies from our development that will make you drool! We have some treats today including the promised d5k in-game, plus many screens and info covering 2 great maps in our beta 3. Dont worry, the other maps in pairs of two will be covered this week also if your favourite isn't included today ;)

D5K in-game

Silenced D5K (seperate weapon available in different weaponsets)

The facility map, by Fourtecks, has been an ever changing masterpiece of the last 3 years. The most recent version the public knows was an experiment in flow. An entire subsection was built and each room is basically connected in some way.

Beta 3 Facility brings it back to basics with just the addition of the ground vents connecting the locker room to the console room. This is needed to stop the choke point that makes the map too linear for Multiplayer. I think you'll find this regains much of the nostalgia of the map. Some rooms have had complete overhauls and the textures are almost completely re-done. So much asset work has gone into this version you will just be flawed.

Click for larger image

The map Caves, by Loafie, hero of dreams, is greatly improved in look from the Alpha 1.1 and even Beta 1.0 eras. The addition of realistic plants and the addition of rock effects really makes this a treat for the eyes. It immerses you inside an environment that many people didn't think too much of in the original game.

The gameplay was always its strongpoint and Loafie did not deny making each section an almost direct recreation. We think you will get a kick out of this Orange Box enhanced creation! Big credit to Konrad who slaved on the foliage.

Click for larger image

Our wiki is technically new, if you haven't read around the forums, we ask that you sign up to the wiki again and help sort out a lot of the community and 3rd party section. If you port your own userpages that would be a great help to the cause! We have ported a lot from the old location with the help of a dedicated community member, JcFerggy. Big thanks to him he even earned a staff tag "Wiki Guru" for his efforts. He's the purple one you'll see floating around the boards.

Oh look more posing!

ModDB top 100
Thanks so much for your votes I'm sure we did quite well with your help, however (and a blessing in disguise) we did not find ourselves eligable for 2008. That is fine with us actually, since we want 2009 to be the chosen year of GoldenEye: Source in the released category!

Next update : Apart from more mentioned map screens, will be a detailed explanation of the HUD layout plus screens of it.

Team GoldenEye: Source

Facility looks great. It looks new and fresh while still retaining the atmosphere it had in the original game. Well done.

Caves looks brighter which makes me happy. One of my biggest complaints was not being able to see half the time.

D5K looks great though I was hoping for the silver silencer it had in the game.

Thanks for the great update.

If I recall, the silencer wasn't silver, it was just shiny.  Either way, we're just recycling the PP7-S silencer for now.  Here's how Silenced D5K made it into Beta 3:
--- Quote from: AIM ---(05:28:05 PM) VC: Fine by me; what about D5K... can we get the silencer attached to the model?  That's all it needs, beyond me digging up my notes and making a script up for it.
(05:29:16 PM) KM: yah
(05:29:20 PM) KM: lemme talk to fourt
(05:30:24 PM) VC: pwn
(05:33:17 PM) KM: oh snap!
(05:33:24 PM) KM: its already setup
(05:33:27 PM) KM: "codes"

(05:56:22 PM) KM: lol
(06:09:06 PM) KM: sweet d5k silence is ingame
--- End quote ---

Sean [Baron]:
Some things are so simple. Others, are not. Hahah.

Rodney 1.666:
Some very secksy screens there.

And no, the D5K's silencer is the same model as what's on the PP7. (In GE007, that is.)


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