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Website Move Notice


Sean [Baron]:
As mention in our latest GES Update, we will be moving web server and domain on Sunday night U.S EST. The exact time is not determined.

The new domain will be

Why is this happening? -- Well, our team as some of you might know has an unfortunate record of bad front page updating. Ever since the alpha period we haven't quite gotten what we wanted from our host provider, it's at times so frustrating. Longtime admin and former coder Scott, has so wonderfully given us years of faithful hosting through his workplace. At the same time also found it hard to give us access to update, which has contradicted what we have set out to do for our fans -- Which is give you fans and ourselves an awesome functioning site!

We hope that this does not come as an inconvenience to anyone. This will be happening as said, tomorrow. This forum will be put into maintenance mode and the data moved to the new domain server instantly. The downtime should only be 1-2 hours. If you go to these forums and see it in maintenance mode tomorrow night check out the new domain to see if we are online at our new home! Additionally a redirect will be made here so no one gets lost. Bare with us through this, we want to get all this done before the beta 3 period gets too close.

Team GoldenEye: Source

Mark [lodle]:
I will be doing the switch over in about 20 hours. I dont know what time that is in the usa.

Sean [Baron]:
About 7:30pm EST would be the time.

We are moved *sigh*, thanks for your patience community.


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