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GES Update 1/17/09
Mark [lodle]:
the xbox 360 thing has nothing to do with valve, its ms and there locked down console. They wont let any thing for free on the xbox 360 (just look at the updates that valve wanted for free for there 360 users but ms said no)
I've been around since the alpha and I'm excited for your work. You guys will be famous soon ;)
Cheers everyone to a "fresh" start with a new site ;)
--- Quote from: Mark [lodle] on January 19, 2009, 12:13:05 am ---the xbox 360 thing has nothing to do with valve, its ms and there locked down console. They wont let any thing for free on the xbox 360 (just look at the updates that valve wanted for free for there 360 users but ms said no)
--- End quote ---
That's why they are called M$. And in fact, even if there ever will be mods on the 360°, M$ will sell them. So it's not possible to bring GES or any other Mod based on a franchise to the Xbox.
Selling something someone else is holding the licence for isn't a good idea at all.
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