Loyal fans,
Here we are bringing in the year with some information and media moving towards our goal of giving the modding community an amazing beta of Goldeneye: Source. As always we cannot allow ourselves to give across a date just yet for this impending release even though many of us are so very excited, but to say it is near is not mistaken! If you've come across this modification recently as many always are, you may wonder how long it has been around. This update should fill you in on some points in our extensive history and
more importantly things to come.
It may interest you to know that GoldenEye: Source has just reached its 4 year milestone! Yes indeed, the first mod's public forums on Invisionfree software lists the original creation of that web portal somewhere in January 2005, our first webmaster joined on 14 Jan 2005. Here is a screen of that developer who is now an "inactive contributor"

expect some more fun history in next update
Three release builds have seen the light of day since our humble beginning. Our
Alpha 1.0, the follow up
Alpha 1.1, and
Beta 1.0. What a long journey, this feels like the 3rd source engine we have been in development on. The artwork has always been stunning, now finally we are right where we wanted to be so badly, thanks to some major coding hustle and the amazing Orange Box engine.
Now, let's start with the things to come on our horizon ; since I'm sure you have been hungry for screenshots and progress reports in the void between September and now. Be hungry no more, this is just a sampling of the beta 3 progress and some screenshot love!
For starters, the D5K weapon just recently got a re-texture from a previous unseen textured version of the model by Baron, who is one of the project directors, and an experienced 3D Artist. This new texture is hot, and was the toil of 2 or 3 of our art department working together to polish it up ; By "polish" I actually mean dirty and scratch it up! Check it out.
Early development WIP
The first screen there was the very first showing of Framed, another "inactive contributor" who picked up the weapon to skin, and since turned it over to Baron and also Spider ; 2 of our lead Dev's who got it looking like the final stage of beta 3 D5k!
Beta 3 Media Render
In the very next media release we will show you this weapon
Speaking of the weapons, we'd like to give you a round-up of the status of our weapons in code. For the longest time the team would handle weapon values loosely based off original values obtained through various websites ; then our coders would tweak them all around in a far too overdeveloped way. This lead to a constant state of change and every developer would feel differently about what guns should be powerful.
Since the Orange Box recode took place we stepped back and thought, forget all that, the original game already lays out clearly which guns are meant to be powerful! So we decided to get ViashinoCutthroat back into action of coding values and managing our weapon sets. He managed a very comprehensive way to obtain and input damage statistics (that are even more accurate than internet sources) into GE:S with the help of Killermonkey, to get our weapons to act exactly like goldeneye64! From there through many factors such as the differences in the way source handles hit boxes, they have been slightly tweaked from the reported play testing and Viashino's expert FPS opinions. Now, only the bear minimum of necessary balances to weapon sets in our game is the result. Here is the list of weapons that you will see in beta 3 ;
- slappers
- knife
- throwing knife
- pp7
- pp7 silenced
- dd44
- klobb
- cougar
- kf7
- zmg
- d5k
- dk5 silenced
- phantom
- ar33
- rcp-90
- sniper rifle
- golden gun
- pp7 silver
- pp7 gold
- mines (remote, proximity,timed)
What does this mean for you? Well, each of the original weapon sets will be in the beta 3 except "lasers" which we have lined up for beta 4.
Currently we are in a phase we call "locked down" where all of our coders' implementations are included, and now is the process of extensive beta testing which has been beefed up lately with some new recruits from the community. Don't worry, if they let us down we will be seeking more help to test our mod after beta 3 is shipped. Who knows what the future will bring. This is us posing for you guys! on the
runway.....posing...runway posing.. OK screenshot now ; no more bad joke.

oh no Killermonkey you showed yourself! Not so secret agent..
Once some final art is polished and we verify all of our bugs are squashed we can bring you further developments on a release date. Stay tuned because over the next weeks there will be many media releases and the starting of a massive screenshot "showcase", each small but content rich! It is a new year and a new start for us at GoldenEye: Source, we want to give our loyal community and the general modding scene a release that will rival commercial titles, and so far the insider feeling is we are on the cusp of that goal!
Website Move
This is the last thing to mention today, we will be moving web server and domain on Sunday night U.S EST. The new domain will be
http://goldeneyesource.netWhy is this happening?
Well, our team as some of you might know has an unfortunate record of bad front page updating. Ever since the alpha period we haven't quite gotten what we wanted from our host provider, its at times so frustrating. Longtime admin and former coder Scott, has so wonderfully given us years of faithful hosting through his workplace. At the same time also found it hard to give us access to update and we want to be able to do what we really want, which is give you fans and ourselves an awesome functioning site!
We hope not to inconvenience anyone with the move, this will be happening as said, tomorrow. This forum will be put into maintenance mode and the data moved to the new domain server instantly. The downtime should only be 1-2 hours. If you go to these forums and see it in maintenance mode tomorrow night check out the new domain to see if we are online at our new home! Additionally a redirect will be made on here so no one gets lost as to where we went. Bare with us through this we want to get all this done before the beta 3 period gets too close.
Next media : More screens, a beta 3 maps rundown, and more posing most likely!
Thanks for having faith in us guys, we promise this time we are painstakingly making sure it will be worth your patience

Team GoldenEye: Source