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Author Topic: Self-Sufficient Level Designer  (Read 14856 times)

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Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« on: January 17, 2009, 10:22:14 pm »

Hi guys,

   I’ve been hanging around the forums, playing GES, and working with the Source SDK daily for a little over a year now. After much thought, I’ve decided to try my hand at applying for the official development team.

   Back in late May/early June of 2008, I began to tire of GES: Beta 1’s lack of new content, and decided to try my hand at making some new content of my own. Soon, I began producing my own maps, learning GES’s gameplay style, and learning about all the fantastic things the Source Engine can do, and have never looked back since.

Over this period of time: these are the skills I’ve acquired:

-8+ months experience with the Valve Hammer Editor
-Ability to create realistic textures, along with their normal maps and reflective masks
-In the process of learning Autodesk Maya 8.5 (Personal Learning Edition)

Other skills:

-Strong understanding of map optimization, including settling physics props and hint/skip
-Strong knowledge of Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo 64, including the "beta" content accessed with a Gameshark
-Strong knowledge of the Source Engine’s recording and playback tools, including the demo smoother for creating camera paths (example work)
-Knowledge of Valve’s powerful facial animation tools (example work)
-Highly motivated to help in completing a mod I’ve completely fallen in love with based on one of my favorite games of all time
-Enjoys receiving suggestions and constructive criticism

Here are some examples of my work:

Ge_quad, one of my early outdoor maps. (Download)

A remake of my first map, pitfall, but prettier.

Ge_basement_ssl, my most recent map, and also one of my best. (Download)

Some screenshots of the VMF's:


Very WIP Stack

Some textures, with normal maps:

When I began thinking of applying, I realized that I would have to become self-sufficient in all my work.
here are some world props I've been working on in Maya:

A simple book for Stack.

One of the brake units the player had to destroy in "Train".

So, it is now that I ask the development team for the chance to prove myself in a trial. I will accept any mapping assignment given to me, and do it to the best of my ability. Of course, I understand that if there is no need for new developers, that my application will be turned down. Applying is just something I've wanted to do for a while now.

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2009, 10:56:35 pm »

You know and expect me to be brutally honest, so I will be.

I'm not impressed.

Quad looks like Perfect Dark shit.  Goldeneye doesn't have locations like that.  Should it? Probably not. Goldeneye is about combat arenas that are dressed like real locations, not combat arenas that look like combat arenas. Complex sets the limit for "obviously an arena and not a location"-ism.
Pitfall doesn't look like much of anything, and also looks like Perfect Dark.  Big holes are generally bad, since in Goldeneye, most/all are playerclipped off anyway.
You're showing off Basement as one of your best, and the most obvious feature of the image is a texture misalignment on the floor grates.

The lighting looks primative, very boring and repetitive, too.

Also, we really don't have much need for mappers.  Omitting a load of drama, mapping is pretty much what it's going to be for a while. If you want to map for us, map for Beta 3 and if you improve we'll probably tap your shoulder.

If anything, show us what you can do for modelling.  We're not releasing GrenL, Rocket, or Moonraker in B3 because our modelling pool is stagnant and filled with algae.  D5K Silenced is squeaking in just because we can recycle the PP7-S silencer. >_>
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 11:01:37 pm by Viashino Cutthroat »
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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2009, 11:26:52 pm »

while your levels don't floor me, they do show a foundation level skill with the program. and i think with some coaching from some of our mappers you could become quite talented. one thing to really take note of with your maps lighting, is that your only using white lights, and light in the real world is almost never pure white. use some colored lights to help make your maps feel less flat.

Im less interested in your level design skill and more interested in texturing, animation and modeling. thanks for show wire frames of your models. they are simple but they make sense and arent overly polyed to high hell. also you can do animation for camera work, and facials which are 2 things i would like to toy with on the game. and most important in your skills are your texturing. those are nicely done textures. your normal maps suck that's just Nvidia filtered i can show you how to do them properly and view them in maya.

i'm going to bump you to trial because i want to see what you can do when your pushed a bit. it might not be level design, depending on what our mappers think of you. but i see potential to improve and a willingness to work hard which are 2 things i value more than just raw talent.

go  ahead and make a new thread in the trial members section and we will get you something to do.
"making out with ugly girls builds character"
"getting the ugly girls then the pretty ones makes you feel like leveling up in an rpg game"

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2009, 11:49:38 pm »

Ill give some advice man, You deffinately have skill in the works! Let me say that first. Now, I would have to say some work is needed. One, Your playerclips are all over the place, they really should be used when the player gets clipped in odd locations where movement should be possible (I.E. Heater on a wall should be clipped off).

I really like where you are trying to go in picture #3.You did a good job adding the semicircular supports across the ceiling, pipes in the floor, overall ill give you a "B" Its deffinately got potential!

Let me critisize you and then you can tell me how the fuck to spell critisize! YAY!

First, The lighting is so white and repetitve. Add some color, blues for cool lights; while oranges and reds are primarily for warm areas. They often look great in seperate rooms because they are opposite on the color wheel (Check out the "color theory") Your other pictures show light with out a light source! ALWAYS have a lightsource!

Secondly, The first two pics look so blocky Try and add curves, 45 degree angles, and height variation! Kinda like a girl haha dont try and fuck a square girl with no curves and flat! (Hope that got the point across haha)

Third, you are all ready better than me at modeling haha (i was going to start but my computer shat out on me) and GREAT texture work!

Hope I helped out in many ways! If not catch me on AIM: SharpSh00tah

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2009, 04:41:17 am »

Good luck, and hang in there. We have some really talented level designers on this team, and although they make beat you around a bit at first, it is for your own good. I hope that you can learn alot from them, because you do seem to have some skill level developing.

Also, take advantage to that fact that you are being given the chance, because as you have seen with previous level designer applications, we usually don't, and haven't been taking any more level designers on board.

I hope to see good things from you, and hope that you stick around :)
/Sean "Baron" Stock

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2009, 04:53:06 am »

Oh, believe me, this is an opportunity I never thought I would have. I truly value it and won't let you guys down.
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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2009, 07:55:56 pm »

good luck dude, I had to claw my way on to the team. YEA THATS RIGHT FUHKK YA'LL haha, but really, I had a rough (sorta) trial...

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2009, 12:14:45 am »

Tell me again how I let you on?  :p
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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2009, 02:40:03 am »

I gave you that reach around... dont tell me you already forgot@!

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2009, 05:31:56 am »

Would it be safe to assume that The SSL will be working on the Library Trio?

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Re: Self-Sufficient Level Designer
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2009, 06:34:12 am »

Only time will tell.. ;)
/Sean "Baron" Stock
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