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Mod Of The Year 2008 Awards

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Haha I guess I was confused. Thanks for letting me know!


--- Quote from: Sean [Baron] on January 03, 2009, 04:56:31 pm ---Don't worry, we'll have plenty of media releases, and attention in 2009, that is all I will say.

--- End quote ---
I now expect bad things:P

Just for the record, GoldenEye: Source did not make the top 100. I was really hoping that we would. Oh well, maybe next year?

Ryan [Saiz]:
Ya we weren't really aiming for this year due to a lack of a release but this year is our year. And because of the actual rules for the competition it is better that we didn't because if we did we couldn't make it next year.

:edit by wake:

topic locked, this is a good thing. thanks for voting for us though community!


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