Things continue to shape up.
Recently we got to work on (re-)adding
Man with the Golden Gun scenario and it's up for testing presently. As it stands, Golden Gun timing is correct, and the goofy reload bug of Beta 2 seems to be gone. The only problems with it is a sound-effect clipping issue (thx valve lol) and a lighting issue. The gun looks fine on Neo Facility Frontzone but isn't lit at all on Neo Runway. At first I thought a PP7-S was being marked as the Golden Gun.
Marked, as in it will appear on the radar when it's on the ground which is really neat:

One of my rare breaks from canon has been implemented so that means I need to explain myself.
The player with the Golden Gun may pick up armor once during an inning.In GE007, in the MWTGG scenario
(NOT simply when Golden Gun loadout is selected.), the AuG holder cannot acquire armor. This is a balancing maneuver to prevent someone from AC-10'ing all damn day. However, that also means if you get the AuG before Armor, you've thrown away 100% of life.
The old mechanic meant getting armor was more important than getting the golden gun, since you aren't going to hold it for long anyway if you don't get armor first.
The augmentation ensures that you can always get armor once and thus you are better off prioritizing the AuG over the Armor.
Other news:
* Timed mines should have shorter fuses so you can actually use the damned things.
* Shotguns
may get a tweak; beta needs to do some testing. I'm contemplating a damage buff similar to the one I gave to Sniper Rifle, though not as drastic.
* Rocket and GrenL; I'm ready to set up both. I have informed KM how Rocket works (in short, the projectile accelerates so you cross a room in 0.4 seconds, temple's big room(s) in 0.6, all of Dam in 0.8, and reach Jupiter in about 1.0 if it weren't for special relativity. But I doubt KM wants to do that much math.) Grenade Launcher is mostly logic code; all I need to do with it is ensure the initial velocity is good, which is mostly a trial-and-error thing. We never set an official scale ratio so I'll just make it seem about right and not worry any further. To do so would be like keeping eight decimal points in a three-significant-figure calculation.
* Cougar Magnum has been tweaked a bit. It's feeling pretty close to where it should be as far as the delay between when you touch the trigger and when the bullet is fired, while before it seemed really slow. Thus, when we were testing last night and I accidently died and KM got the AuG, I picked up the CMag, he opened the door, I put a mag round through his nostril and I got my AuG back. WHEEE! Also, the fire event used to be so late that the gun already recoiled on the player view, causing the tracer to draw between the impact and the end of the gun up in the air; looked weird as hell.