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ge_citadel WIP

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Anyone remember Citadel. Maybe not, but it's ok this wasn't discovered after about 2001. Citadel is one of the old Multiplayer Beta maps that was left on the Goldeneye N64 game. The discovery was very exciting and was explored by lots of people. Anyway, back to GE:S, I haven't seen any screenshots or information if the GE:S is going to include this... So might as we'll make it! So i see some others made it too and posted it on the forum already so i thought i was out of luck... but anyway, I'll so it and see what people think cuase i think it looks just like the N64 version. Uhh, heres the only bad part, I didn't include the spike room, why? Because, The room was too glitchy too add, if anyone has seen the real Citadel on the N64, it had a skybox roof that was below the level so, i didn't add it. But, enough with the talk, heres some screens!

OK, so far it looks NICE :D but, I'm having some trouble with the Weapon layout, but its still a WIP. I'm going to give the map a new skybox too, the clouds need a new color and the sky needs to be more uhh greenish. Why? to make it more like Citadel. How do i know this? Look below...

This image is from http://goldeneye.detstar.com/  ... Thats were i got some of the ideas for the sky. I hope this will be as great as the other maps on GE:S :D Hope you guys like it.

Why create a new map of Citadel when it already exists?







--- Quote from: frenfam4life on December 27, 2008, 05:26:52 am ---Why create a new map of Citadel when it already exists?






--- End quote ---
Because mine isn't much of a remake it's sort of the citadel.

Frenfam4life, you might have missed the line where he said:

--- Quote ---So i see some others made it too and posted it on the forum already so i thought i was out of luck... but anyway, I'll so it and see what people think cuase i think it looks just like the N64 version.
--- End quote ---
Maybe you can say he is making Citadel Classic? On a side note though, has anyone made a rework of Citadel where it is fun to play?

Jonathon [SSL]:
If you're trying to make it looks like the N64 version, I would recommend purposely misaligning your textures and adding holes showing the skybox too give the map that awesome unfinished-looking-but-still-an-awesome-map feeling. That's partly why the Citadel (Hacked version) remains my favorite multi map in GE64. What's great about this is that many of the textures are already made into the mod, they just need to be applied, rotated, and scaled to match that of the original Citadel's textures. As for the weapon layout, I would recommend taking a look at Zoinkey's Citadel (The version made to be played on the N64 via a patch with the Goldeneye Setup Editor), as the weapon layout there is very well balanced (even if Beta 1.x's guns aren't).

Oh, and to make the ramps look completely 2D(As they appeared on the N64), you may want to try taking the already thin ramps you have, and nodraw the sides.


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