I wish people (testers and devs) would talk to me. That's one reason why I have a PM box and there's a tester forum and I'm on AIM and Steam and this thread will work too. Today ends with Spider, not unlike the Man in the Yellow Hat of
Curious George fame, calming down a situation that never should've became an issue in the first place, except there is a V, a B, and a K who can't help but turn into the three stooges when the opportunity presents itself. Anyway, now that I finally have recieved some feedback, I can make some tweeks. Here's the poop.
DD44: Firing rate is consistent for pistols.
DD44: PC Accuracy Penalty is now halved, from 40% to 22.5%. (Yes, that's half.)
AuG: Hitbox flag is now set. (It is a damage weapon, not an instagib. AuG to limb with sufficient armor and +10 handicap is not lethal in Goldeneye and is the only way to survive a successful Golden Gun strike.)
Au7: Hitbox flag is now set.
Au7: Firing rate is consistent for pistols.
Ag7: Firing rate is consistent for pistols.
Bishop: Tap-fire rate reduced to combat spamming.
Bishop: PC Damage Buff reduced from +50% to +40%.
Bishop: Zoom speed increased from 0.7s to 0.6s to encourage use of scope.
I had DD44 and PP7 firing more slowly than PP7S. This was originally intended to see which tempo fit best with the new GES gameplay. I started to like the slower rate because new GES is about not-spamming, but testing shows that people want to throw their magazine away and die while reloading, so the semi-automatic pistols will let you make a fool of yourself just as they have in previous editions of Goldeneye Source.
I gave all the pistols an accuracy penalty to ensure that they don't fall into the role of sniping weapons superior to the long rifles or Bishop. However, the 40% that felt right for PP7/S always seemed a bit much for DD44, so I'm tightening it up for now and perhaps forever. I probably should've set it here in the first place but I wanted to keep the deviation constant across all the pistols.
I don't know if the hitbox override on the Au's was an oversight or what, but with the damage system working almost-perfectly, no override is necessary. And as stated, there is a special case that we may as well get right since we're here.

Sniper rifle was part of the drama, so I'm medling with it again. +40% puts it in the AR33/Phantom damage bracket; I had it at +50% which allowed for a headshot+limbshot to do lethal damage to a full-health/no-armor player, but because testing is upset that they get shot up and die, I'm taking it back a step, accelerating the zoom a step, and slowing the semi-auto fire rate. I know when I played Goldeneye 007, Sniper Rifle saw plenty of dogfighting as well as long-range battles, but so much Counterstrike has the average tester all upset about the previous 5.35 rounds per second semi-auto rate. It is now 3.45 r/s.