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Some Map Problems
« on: December 08, 2008, 08:12:28 am »

I'm trying to make a high quality map for this mod.  There are some problems, for one, the spotlight never works, why? The second problem is the cubemaps for some of the shiny things, I never understood how to get those working properly, the hunting knife is just an ugly shade of grey with no reflection.

If you want to see this unfinished map for yourself (hammer editor file), click here.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2008, 11:55:57 am »

You sound like someone new to Hammer. I suggest you start working on basic tutorials for the other Source games for practice and wait for Beta 3.  There are a lot of strange things the examples will teach you that you'll take forever asking your way through.
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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2008, 03:20:05 pm »

Hmmm... not the worst start i've ever seen but:

1. if you wanna have cubemaps, you have to place them in the editor, too. (env_cubemap)
2. Your light_spot is working, but you just need to align it with the lamp and a env_sprite wouldn't be the worst idea too.
3. ATM there is no reason for the skybox beeing that big, and there will never be a reason why it is not useing the ground.
4. The pillar and the strange triangle part on the wall (which both wouldn't make any sense in there anyway) should be at least func_detail to reduce the vis leafes.
This is an very important thing you should remember: keep the struckture of worldbrushes simple (always think in sqares) and do the detail work by useing func_detail (build them with brushes and tie them to func_detail after you finished building them).
5. this warehouse is more a HL2 setting then a GES one, don't use to much HL2 props.
6. before you even start with making a real map, think about it... maybe draw some ideas down to paper and always keep in mind, it has to be suitable for at least 16 players.
Next start to do the basic brushwork, and don't care about textures, lights, props, effects and details for now.
If the basic brushwork is done, place some player, ammo and weapon spawns and have a first testrun with a few ppl.
Listen to their feedback and suggestions and think about it (again).
If you're satisfied with the flow, you can go for the details and other stuff.



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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2008, 04:30:59 pm »

to finish step 1 as kraid said, make sure you type "buildcubemaps" in the console on every compile.

Complete: Ge_Runway (now under care of CC Saint); Ge_Caverns // W.I.P.:Ge_Streets; Ge_Depot; Ge_Train;


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2008, 04:48:11 pm »

to finish step 1 as kraid said, make sure you type "buildcubemaps" in the console on every compile.

...and do it once with HDR enabled and with HDR disabled. Everytime you do a new compile you have to repeat it.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2008, 08:02:35 pm »

Well, alright, the warehouse and outdoors part of my map is all done. Unfortunately, now it crashes when I try to load the map through GE:S.  I attached a text file of my compile.

The WARNING: Too many light styles on a face thing...  I looked that up, and found out that you have to remove names from all lights that aren't going to be triggered in some way
. I removed the names from ALL my lights, and this still shows up.

The Error: displacement found on a(n) func_detail entity - not supported thing... I don't ever remember turning my displacement terrain into a 'func_detail', but my map was crashing before it was a 'func_detail', as far as I can remember. Yes, I've read MANY tutorials...  Help please?

The newer .vmf file is here.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2008, 09:44:59 pm »

A great thing to do sometimes if you're getting map compiling issues without any known cause (As in you've fixed the problem but it still doesn't work), or are doing a final compile, is to copy all of the geometry within Hammer, then create a new .vmf and paste all the geometry inside the new file, then name it something else. (perhaps it gets rid of some kind of leftover code in the vmf or something? I don't know, but it works.)

As for your displacements, make sure that none of the sides are textured with nodraw (or any other tool texture for that matter), and go around your map. Double click on each of your displacement brushes, and if any of them come up with a properties window that says "func_detail" in it, then exit the properties window and right click on the brush in one of the 2D views and click "Move to world".

All of your displacements should, when double clicked, have a window pop up with a bunch of checkboxes i it.
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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2008, 10:53:23 pm »

The file you uploaded is the .bsp file, not the .vmf

let's take a look at the compile text:
Error: displacement found on a(n) func_detail entity - not supported
find the func_detail displacment and turn it back with the "move to world" command or remove the displacement
with "destroy" in the texture tool. (what you do depends on what it should be at the end fubnc_detail or displacement).
oh and don't ever do this again.

LoadPortals: couldn't read c:\sandbox\goldeneye\maps\ge_warehouse.prt
Uhhh... delete the .prt and .bsp file, i guess the next compile will result in a leak error (so don't do that)
instead of that, copy the whole thing into a new file and save it.
Try to find the leak in your map, then compile again. if it still gives you a leak error, load the pointfile to find it, then repeat the compiling. still a leak? hunt it down too.
Dont even think about adding a big hollowed brush arround the whole map, of course this will work for now, but you need to find the leak anyway. The best indicator for a map without leaks is that vvis has completed the portalflow.

WARNING: Too many light styles on a face (-9213,334,8879)
you got a lot of dynamic lights which are in the same area too. This is the ultimate map killer.
Check all your lights for their appeariance, set it to regular (every flickering light is a dynamic one).
I looked that up, and found out that you have to remove names from all lights that aren't going to be triggered in some way
right. but also think about if you really need dynamic lights in there, and even if the map benifite from it, try to do only one dynamic light in the same area/room.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2008, 12:29:55 am »

Alright, here is a beta of my warehouse map. The rotating doors are not finished. Think it has potential?



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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2008, 02:42:37 am »

At first i would suggest you to remove sharphhootahs "signature" from the map.
The rotating doors are fucked up indeed. Exploding cartonage boxes WTF?

The map itself is still very small, and the player is forced to use the tiny corridor to reach the other side of it cause there is no other way around.
This works for SP games but in Multiplayer there has to be another layout with several ways.
Also the prop placement seems kinda random to me, just like you tried to put in as many props as possible no matter if they block the player or makes any sense at all (the Goldeneye Key, blockades instead of a street outside the building).

Potential yea, but there is a lot of work to do.
As i said before start with a concept, draw a layout or something.
Think about some Architecture which will make your map unique.

Maybe you can find something more Bond-ish setting too. Watch some Bond Films and search for something you would like to recreate. Or play some Bond Games and rebuild one of their multiplayer maps.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2008, 04:14:17 am »

So, how many more warehouse rooms do you think will be enough?


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2008, 11:46:00 am »

Adding a few more rooms won't solve the problem, i think for multiplayer you have to recreate the whole thing in a different way.

A few suggestions which i got in my mind now:

1. Make the building much bigger
2. Throw away all the current props and lightning and stuff like this, do the basic Layout first.
3. Think of one big Storrage room with one or more big Rolldoors at one side and a lot of smaller rooms on the other side,
maybe a crane to lift heavy crates or whole containers.
Have a second level in that Building with some kind of controlroom and some ramps and higher plattforms for a loading area on the groundfloor. What about a freight elevator, but only if you can put in a reason for it too, like a Big storage room beyond the mainroom where are the most of the Crates and containers in.
For this you can use a lot of crates and containers but don't put them in randomly, create stacks with them and shape out the ways between, think like: there has to be a way through for the Forklifter too.
If there is a big crane in the mainroom do a openable Trapdoor for the Containers, so theoretically, if this were a real Warehouse, the containers which come by Truck or Train would be draged by the crane and droped through the hole in the ground.
So there are also some neat ideas for the outside enviroment:
Start with a Street heading away from the building, have a Big Gate at the end and the street going a bit further then making a curve.
That way you can add some more buildings outside the gate (maybe other nonaccessable Warehouses) and have the end of the road disapearing from the players view.
There could be also the rail of a train don't need to be much, just let the player see the last few meters of it, the rest is hidden from the players view by the building. (these things will make your map appearing bigger then it is)

But be aware, this is a really big task. you should start somewhat smaller, like with the recreation of another allready existing multiplayer map maybe from another bond game.
There were also some pretty fun maps in Nightfire, Rouge Agent or Perfect Dark which could be recreated for this game.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2008, 12:54:54 pm »

Thought I'd ask here cause this is something zippy could use maybe in the future. But is there a way to make a Light like parent a moving object?

I have a elevator in this old map I thought I'd start back up again, but I can't figure out a good way to light it.

Using OrangeBox(Beta3) hammer setup if that matters.

Currently using the old 3 light technique.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 01:07:00 pm by major »
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2008, 03:02:34 am »

well, possible yea, but it should always be used with extreme caution in source.

To attache something, you have to name the entity which should be parent and then...
well, fill the name into the patent parameter of the thing you wanna attache.

For Light it has to be a light_dynamic entity, i'm not sure if a texture light would also work well.


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Re: Some Map Problems
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2008, 11:57:16 am »

Well, what level do you want to see remade? I won't watch a James Bond for a map, sorry.
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