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KM Blog - Beta 3 Screens (Dec 7th)

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Neat radar, but I miss not having it in the top right. :(

I, personally, use the term Bishop to ensure the Goldeneye 007 canon weapon modeled after the Walther WA-2000 and the non-bullpup sniper rifle in Goldeneye Source are distinct.  (It was modeled during the "whatever we dream it should look like" era. That era ended when a monstrosity was called "Klobb" and everyone bricked.)  In addition to the difference in appearance, the GES sniper rifle deals greater damage. This is part of a balance correction I am implementing to keep pistols from exploiting the ease of aiming on PC, and to keep the sniper rifle ahead of the automatics.

Whether or not Bishop Sniper Rifle ever appears in the game is up to KM since he's in charge of breaking and repairing the event notification strings.  I wouldn't be adverse to having both the WA-2000 and Bishop both availiable with the difference being model and damage, similar to the Rocksalt Shotgun and Automatic Shotgun pairing, but that's not a critial concern at the moment.


--- Quote from: JcFerggy on December 08, 2008, 06:46:49 pm ---Neat radar, but I miss not having it in the top right. :(

--- End quote ---

The Beta 3's HUD is built on complete customization, so with a few changes to the X,Y parameters in the hud_layout.txt file you can have it in the top right if you please. Keep in mind this HUD is not final by any means (I still think it deserves the term primitive)

Jonathon [SSL]:

--- Quote from: killermonkey on December 08, 2008, 09:13:13 pm ---The Beta 3's HUD is built on complete customization, so with a few changes to the X,Y parameters in the hud_layout.txt file you can have it in the top right if you please. Keep in mind this HUD is not final by any means (I still think it deserves the term primitive)

--- End quote ---

What about creating an option in the "multiplayer" tab of the options menu to position the radar wherever you want it? (Like a drop down menu with "top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, etc, more user-friendly)

Other than that, the game looks fantastic.

Oh, and I noticed that the Ammo counter looks like beta 1's... as in the amount in your clip is a larger font, while the amount you have to spare is a smaller number off to the right. In GE on the N64, the amount you had in your clip was the same size and the same height from the bottom of the screen as the amount you have extra, separated only by the icon of the ammo type you were using.

Man I can make customization options up the ass hole, but in the end it doesn't change the product we deliver. If you want to change the positions of items I will make a detailed review of the necessary changes to be made in files in our Wiki.

Customization = Work, you can change 2 values much easier then I can code in 50 drop down boxes.

EDIT: Whatcha smokin willis? The ammo font size and y-position is the exact same on both sides of the ammo icon...


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