Editing and Customization > Community Releases

Trailer for GES

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Ben O'Brien

30 Seconds

Cradle by ????

15.4 mb
1280 x 720 (mp4)

GoldenEye: Source
Sony Vegas 7.0


Filefront DOWNLOAD (download dont stream)

Hey all,
Just thought id try out making a Goldeneye Source video trailer sort of thing.
This is my third time doing video editing and using vegas.
At the moment the video is only half done, i need to add in some gameplay scenes, because every time ive
tried it has come out quite laggy because of me being australian and the ping to US servers. But i may
get around to finishing it later on.
I've uploaded to filefront the full res version, so if you liked it download it and the quality will be 10X better.
I struggled with encoding in mp4 but finally managed it so that the file size / length ratio is fine.
These are the other videos ive done;
Download 1 and Download 2 - its just small CS:S clips
**also i dont take credit for the spinning logo at the start. or the music.

Please give me some criticism and tips on the video for future ,thanks, enjoy.

And great work on the GE:S mod.

Jonathan [Spider]:
your camera work could use a lot of work.

so many quick cuts and fast pans it makes it so you cant see a single thing. its like watching the bourne identity on crack.

I think Its pretty cool. Get some gameplay footage in there and would be pretty awesome.

The Logo at the beginning is cool, but the Source part is kinda cheesy, but I see what your going for.

I really like the back up through all the levels, would be something cool for a beta3 trailer with the new levels. Needs a little bit of smoothness work, and maybe slow it down a little, but I like how you flow around the pillars in cave and stuff.

But Yeah throw some gameplay footage, a couple little credits and would be a pretty awesome trailer.

As far as servers, the majority of servers are in Europe, I think there are only 3-4 USA based servers. But I was talking with a guy from Sydney and he owns a server hosting Company, so might see some Aussie servers some time soon maybe.

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
I fuckin dug it! Watching it again! I love the camera tracking, much more interesting than just a flyby

Some nasty encoding you've got there. I'm sure you could improve on that, greatly.
The camera work is nice, but since it is an "action-camera" you could make use of some actual action, combat and such. The empty spaces clashes with the spastic camera. It's seems to me that the camera is searching something, it's rather unsatisfying when it doesn't find it in the end. That's the other thing, it's spastic the whole time, for compositional reasons you could include other kinds of shots. The spastic camera works great with still shots, slow "out-zooms" and close-ups. The graphic design is fine, other than that SOURCE you slapped on, you could get rid of that.
The reason that I'm so critical, is because I see potential, if I didn't, I wouldn't bother. Always remember DRAMATURGY, even if it's just 30 seconds of trailer. When it's this kind of action trailer, it's all about craftsmanship. Perfect cuts, perfect composition, perfect transitions, perfect tempo. If you throw an idea in there, such as a joke or a thought, that could outweigh the potential weaker visual elements of the trailer.


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