Except that in corny spy movies, throwing knives work at any range, have no gravity, and always strike tip-first. MAGIC!
1) Weapon timing is canonical for CMag. Shotguns are timed to the maximal firing rate when tapping the trigger. They fire more slowly if you hold the button down in GE007, but rof/c_rof is/was not working for Shotguns so I timed them for the tapping rate. (If you fixed it, it wasn't fixed on automatics because I tested it on ZMG and c_rof was ignored) As for rocksalt, it looks like a pump shotgun but you never operate the pump action in Goldeneye, likely because it was too complicated to be implemented. That's why I started labeling them rocksalt and assault recently -- the only difference between the two is the power level and that the multiplayer auto shotty is slightly more accurate. And for that reason, penalising its rof would be like making Klobb take 5 round magazines.
2) Can the viewmodel on Bishop vanish after the fov gets under a threshold? That should make it stop being rendered when it slides out of view, preventing it from peeking. Which would be good since eventually that babe needs a sliding zoom to 10.5 degrees. Also regarding zooming, the time is always the same even if the view is already partially zoomed, for example, if I zoom in to 20 degrees, let it out to 40, it takes the full zoom period to go from 40 to 20 again rather than (40-20)/(90-20) * zoomtime.
3) There is ZERO view punch in Goldeneye 007; adding any at all is window dressing and what's the point of a powerful gun if you can't use the damned thing? I'll hear the beta tester's impressions of whether or not it looks right, they might want it removed altogether. My main line of thought was it's supposed to be a magnum, not an anti-aircraft gun, and that the one-handed shotguns should feature the wildest kickin'.
4) AR33, along with ZMG and RCP90 have weird fire rates because of how the GE007 rof changes over time. They all start at a high rate and slow down a bit. For now I've parked them at 0.078, which is where they start at. Fortunately, because of invuln effects, rof isn't critical for the submachine guns -- it just determines how long you can hold the trigger in a panic and how densely you can spam a hallway. And how quickly your accuracy takes a dive.

Phantom is operating though I think it's still lacking unique sounds. Moonraker sorta vanished for some reason, maybe there's a bug in it, but I did write a script for it.
Re: Burst fire.
The way it works is you always fire a number divisible by three, not just at-least three. So if you fire four rounds, firing doesn't stop until the sixth is fired or you empty the magazine.