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failed to take master pipe connection lock
I keep getting this fucking error when trying to compile a test model with GUIStudioMDL for Orange Box. I've re-installed steam and had to re-install everything, and tried many differen't combos of things, but still nothing works. Anyone have any ideas?
I'm running Vista Ultimate 64bit with latest steam updates. I turned off my firewall as well and still nothing.
This is driving me nuts.... :-[
Alrighty.... FINALLY I got it all working... :D.
KM and I spent some time tonight looking through all my shit trying to get this working and it still gave that error. So the FIX for Vista users with 64 bit for compiling for Half-Life 2 or whatever is to make sure and Run as Administrator with GUIStudioMDL.
I tried everything else besides this and finally realized I never had tried that, and I did this while running the SDK and walah! I ran into textures not showing up after that, but I found out I had to have VertexLit in my .vmt to get them to show up.
Now I am trying to figure out why the spec map is really fucked up, but I think it's because I'm using an EnvMap instead of something else.
Edit: It also seems you need to have Steam opened with Admin for it to compile. I was just getting the same error so I restarted steam running as Admin and restarted the SDK.
--- Quote ---Now I am trying to figure out why the spec map is really fucked up, but I think it's because I'm using an EnvMap instead of something else.
--- End quote ---
What do you mean fucked up?
Is it there in Model viewer, did you try it ingame?
Be sure to place a env_cubemap in your testmap when useing the command in the .vmt and run buildcubemaps in the console when first time ingame.
As for the EP2 engine, no specularity will be displayed before you built the cubemaps and restarted the game.
In EP1 the skybox was used for it, which gave the most props an overpowered specularity and overbrightening effect on high reflective surfaces.
Ok, ya I didn't try that. Well I can't even test it in-game right now. I tried to compile a test map KillerMonkey gave me, but I get errors. I think something is still messed up with my gameconfig...
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
post your compile log, or get me on AIM
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