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time ; will they honor the people
« on: November 15, 2008, 08:48:35 am »

Some ppl on here may already know of this. Check it out. 11,000 comments, at least half (probly 3/5) calling for Ron Paul to be given 2008 person of the year.

Literally the only man I ever thought made politics logic, of the candidates.

Im glad obama won over mccain, but you got royally ripped not having a wise old man show you in PRACTICE the change you need. Next time around might be too late, 2012 = 77 years old.

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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 12:30:49 am »

Hes also a racist, haha. If you thought the response to Hurricane Katrina was bad, how would getting rid of FEMA help? Sure thanks to incompetence and a slew of negative traits associated with the Bush administration FEMA did a terrible job in the Gulf Coast, but getting rid of the organization all together is not the answer. Imagine: under Ron Paul's ridiculous vision for America there would be no federal response to something like Katrina. He also wants America to pull out of the United Nations, NATO, the International Criminal Court, and most international trade agreements. He wants to abolish FEMA, get rid of the Department of Homeland Security, send the U.S. military to guard the Mexican border, eliminate the IRS (well, no complaints there), end most foreign aid, phase out Social Security, and reestablish gold and silver as legal tender.

Sure that's change, but that be some crazy change that's simply unrealistic in an environment of globalization
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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 01:22:38 am »

Ron Paul is a Big L Libertarian, meaning that hes one step away from being an anarchist.

he thinks the free market of the world is the answer to the worlds problems, and that any regulation is bad regulation. meaning that the shit we are in now would be extremely common place, not to mention monopoly's and god knows what other lovely problems that can come up from complete lack of over site for ethical business practices.
hes also interested in an isolationist stance for the US, which is complete bullshit in a global economy. having that type of stance would destroy the US economy, and the worlds along with it. as a result of that the next major war would then be possible. the only reason so many of the super powers now don't fight directly over resources like gas is because our economy's are so intertwined that any war with each other would be mutually assured financial collapse.

Ron Paul at his core principles is a fucking nut job that doesn't understand the world.

though some of his positions and discussions were very blunt as to why terrorism in the world occurs but other than that he to attached to a political theory to think outside of his own little world, and understand the reality of the situation we are all currently in.

the reason why he has so many supporters on something like that youtube thread, is that is ALL of his supporters. they are a VERY tiny minority of people and they are quite vocal on the internet, but that's about all they are. they are one step above Nader supporters in my book but not by much haha.
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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 02:01:52 am »

George Bush should totally be person of the year (laughs)


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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 04:12:10 am »

Hes saying most of the time that states can handle decision making, they dont need federal departments with massive buildings and redundant programs that do next to nothing raping you of your hard earned money.

Small government is a solid trait of the republican backbone, hes more republican than any other member of the party. The others have gone soft over many years and tried to convert the parties core beliefs from a time when ideals where held high.

How is he a racist? when you make what you think is an argument that he is, ill post the youtube video in which he advocates the most logical viewpoint there is on race. Also, hes not just big on the internet because its "internet people" who support him, its because the media thought him almost a circus candidate so his only platform for launching support was the internet, hes smart that way.

He totally raped every reporter that tried to strongarm his beliefs, and he made rudolph juliani piss on that debate, it was embarrasing to see rudolph try to curry a "moral" victory by exploiting september 11 patriotism, it bordered on idiotic also since ron paul bases everything on hard facts strongly supported by knowledgable sources, this time CIA investigations into 911 citing reasons for the attack as indeed a factor being that you occupied their holy lands with troops to "protect" oil when you had no actual right to do so. Its threat by force that makes the world hate your ways. Ron paul would end that stigma by ending the act of it.

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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 06:50:21 am »

and ending just about everything else. Kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater there. Also, whose ways? Hell, I didn't vote for any war. Not sure if you noticed but quickdraw mc president bushfag is the lowest rated president in history, so it's hard for me to understand how you can generalize a whole country as a bunch of tyrannical bullies. And raped of our taxes? the US has some of the lowest tax rates in the civilized world, but , , and our public education is not even in the top 20 of the world. Interestingly, the countries that have the higher tax rates also have the higher quality of life. Also, he's a gynecologist, not a constitutional law professor.

Quotes from his newsletter:
"If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."

"Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e., support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action."

"Politically sensible blacks are outnumbered as decent people...I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city (Washington) are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."

"By far the most powerful lobby in Washington of the bad sort is the Israeli government and that the goal of the Zionist movement is to stifle criticism."

I love this review of his book:
"By describing what the Constitution means, of course, Paul is really saying, "How I interpret the Constitution," which is through an objectivist lens. But this flimsy philosophical netting only holds until Paul personally disagrees with something, as with abortion: "If we can be so callous as to refer to a growing child in a mother's womb as a parasite, I fear for our country's future all the more." Paul continually compares his foes to Nazis, the last-ditch effort of a mediocre mind trying to defend itself, a tactic generally left to internet message boards and the guise of anonymity.

He sees no need for things like pollution control, or civil rights, because he believes that business and the people will straighten things out. It's hard not to picture Paul writing the whole book with a quill pen and wearing a powdered wig. He clearly believes that he's the only person fit to interpret the Constitution"
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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2008, 03:44:56 pm »

You can't blame him, he's on a mission from God


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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2008, 05:53:06 pm »

Why would you quote a critical review of his book? thats hardly evidence, someones singular opinion of his book lol All those quotes dont prove in any way that he is racist, intelligent blacks also have those views they just probably dont SAY it. Its all speculation if Ron paul said all these comments directly, even if it was he isnt afraid to speak truth and excercise his right to speech, his freedom.

Abolishing 30-50% of your government is the only sanity your country should hold onto, its a good starting point to turn things around. Right now you are broke and dying, all you have is threat by force. He would look to take away the threat by force attitude and economy path that has been the root of a slew of problems that directly led to your entire situation you are in right now ; and have you live up to your traditional values.

You actually want to reject ideals in favor of this chaos you have? good luck to ya. more Government isnt the answer, and every politician but ron paul is moving away from a small government approach to look at solving issues.

You are already an isolationist nation, barely no one in the UN supported your war in iraq, which was never declared a war actually. Your entire government however condoned what bush decided. Either way it failed, by electing him in, or electing the elements of government that in turn supported bush. Either way you look at the dice, the numbers are fucked. I dont see ron paul looking to put you in stupid conflicts.

That black women in there doesnt seem to believe ron paul is racist, in fact hear what she says. I guess all the other blacks in your country are so blinded they only saw a black candidate as the way to their own freedoms, kinda a racist approach :)

watch the whole thing kids, owned

Congressman DR. Ron Paul
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 06:35:58 pm by Wake[of]theBunT »


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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2008, 11:12:06 pm »

He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

We all do that, its called taxes

He voted against regulating the Internet.

Who the fuck cares, Comcast does this AND gets away with it (bit torrent anyone?) and bandwidth limits on an advertised "unlimited" service plan...

Also, Blacks are blinded by the fact that Obama is the same color as them. Black people are more racist then white's IMO (at least this day and age)! I don't think Obama gives a shit about poor black people as much as McCain did, he wants to give every poor person hard working American's money, not just black poor people. Crock of shit. /endrant

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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2008, 11:41:03 pm »

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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2008, 12:19:38 am »



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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2008, 01:06:17 am »

I don't care weather a person is a racists or not. I care about their ability to govern, and their policy's. (LBJ anyone?)

Ron Paul does have some core values that are in sync with a lot of people in this country. but he screws the pooch when he gets all wacky and Libertarian.

there's a big difference between "Small govt" and "no Govt" like Libertarians practically want.

most of the time that states can handle decision making, they dont need federal departments with massive buildings and redundant programs that do next to nothing raping you of your hard earned money.

that's the bulk of the way things are run currently within the US. its also the reason why we fought the civil war. states already handle their own decision making, policy and laws. but the federal Govt needs to have a big say in what is legal as well, an example would be medical marijuana in California. legal by state law, but federally illegal. you get busted by DEA  your screwed, but by a state cop... they have the choice to bust you or not.  the bulk of our money from taxes goes to the military, medicare, and social security. not to govt bureaucracy, so i don't understand that argument of this huge amount of tax dollars being wasted on nothing. yea there's areas that can be optimized and cut out... but its just a tiny fraction of our tax dollar.

Abolishing 30-50% of your government is the only sanity your country should hold onto, its a good starting point to turn things around. Right now you are broke and dying, all you have is threat by force. He would look to take away the threat by force attitude and economy path that has been the root of a slew of problems that directly led to your entire situation you are in right now ; and have you live up to your traditional values.

its not possible to get rid of that much of the US Govt. the systems that have been put in place are too entrenched in our current economy and to many people rely on the them. the US isn't broke yet lol, in debt yes, not broke. saying that "the threat of Force" is the root of our problems couldn't be further from the truth. the root of the current economic meltdown is due to the fact that people in the US were not saving money, and were over extending themselves beyond their means. add to that some policy's that president Clinton put into place where banks had to lend a certain amount of their money to people who cant afford it for "equality" and you end up with our current mess of massive home foreclosure and bank system collapse. if you want to say the root of our current Debt is Iraq, then i will listen, but its not the cause of the economic rescission we are headed towards.

 to think we have some sort of "traditional value" of peace and non military action is silly. the United States has been in military conflicts for its entire existence, and we have only been out of them for a hand full of years. we are a nation that LOVES war its a core value that we have as a country. we value wars ability to affect the course of history for the better. The United States will perpetually be in military conflicts some where in the world for a VERY long time to come.

You are already an isolationist nation, barely no one in the UN supported your war in iraq, which was never declared a war actually. Your entire government however condoned what bush decided. Either way it failed, by electing him in, or electing the elements of government that in turn supported bush. Either way you look at the dice, the numbers are fucked. I dont see ron paul looking to put you in stupid conflicts.

the US is anything but isolationist right now. we have our fingers in pies all around the world to make sure that the scales tip in our favor. the US is involved in geo politics and economics, from trade, to military action, to funding the largest peice of the UNs budget.  If Ron Paul was President there wouldn't even be a UN anymore.The UN was not necessary for permission to go into Iraq. the UN would only have been useful to have a global force against politically bankrupt states as a show of global force against shitty govts.

the Iraq problem doesn't come from the fact that we invaded Iraq. it comes from our main strategy in how we handled the country AFTER invasion. its to bad Rumsfeld was at the helm of the whole deal rather than some one like Shinseki.

you cant look at Ron Pauls policy's with rose colored glasses, that his ideas are some super cure that people just never realized before. His ideas are ones that will not work for the way the world works today. his ideas are VERY old policy's that do not reflect the global economy and politics of the world today. i understand that the federal govt isn't the answer to our problems. but completely removing massive sections of it, and removing the US from the global stage just to see what would happen as an experiment... certainly isn't the right choice.
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Re: time ; will they honor the people
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2008, 05:40:54 am »

Could argue all 3 of you at once, but its clear you dont want change, so ill let it be.
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