Global Communications > killermonkey's Blog
November 10th - Beta 3's Features
Ok folks, we are closing in *RAPIDLY* to a condition I would like to call "release-ready" for BETA 3!
I would like to emphasize the fact that anything I say in this thread *IS NOT FINAL* and only reflects my personal believes and furthermore only C++, not art, etc.
Anyway, so on with the fun, you guys wrote to us and asked for certain features for BETA 3, we have reflected greatly on the original game, and have also brought in an exciting element... Orange Box! So without further ado, I will now discuss what WILL BE in BETA 3:
- A WAY better "create a server" option
- A better weapon selection menu
- Collision Detection/Response (CD) and lag compensation
- Spawn Protection, You get 3 seconds of Invulnerability on spawn, if you fire your gun before the 3 seconds it's gone!
- Damage rates are tuned for ALL weapons and playtested vigorously
- Brand new weapon loadouts
- LUA Gameplays (DM, LTK, YOLT, MWGG) and teamplay
- Team Spawns
- Entire VGUI and HUD overhaul
- Multiplayer options menu works!
- A Radar
- Achievements (locally saved, cannot use Steam)
- End of Round report and Round Based Gameplay in general
The weapons that are going to be in FOR SURE:
- Slappers
- Hunting Knife
- Throwing Knife
- PP7
- DD44
- Cougar Magnum
- Klobb
- Phantom
- DK5
- KF7
- AR-33
- RCP90
- Auto Shotgun
- Sniper Rifle
- Grenades
- Golden Gun
- Prox Mines
- Timed Mines
- Remote Mines
I will post some more details in another thread in the next couple days. I will be fleshing out the new features in detail.
I hope this clears up some questions.
Very nice sir :/
--- Quote from: killermonkey on November 11, 2008, 08:18:03 am ---- Spawn Protection, You get 3 seconds of Invulnerability on spawn, if you fire your gun before the 3 seconds it's gone!
--- End quote ---
3 sec?! Isn't it too much? And it should be gone if you move, too.
--- Quote from: killermonkey on November 11, 2008, 08:18:03 am ---- A Radar
--- End quote ---
Man, I dig on this. This is probably the most interesting feature. Is it going to be classic like, with the MWGG shown different?
--- Quote from: killermonkey on November 11, 2008, 08:18:03 am ---The weapons that are going to be in FOR SURE
--- End quote ---
Hmmmmm, so there's only 6 more weapons? What about Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Moonraker, Tazer, etc... Owell, don't tell :/
Three is too long; It should be 667ms, the normal invuln period. Just call the function that adds invuln time on spawn and no new code (but that one line) is needed.
Radar's finally working? We can add Live and Let Die! :D
Tazer's still on the drawing board and we really must not move into projectile weapons until we get hitscans done. On that note, I don't know why no Moonraker; maybe they're recreating the model. Behavior, it's the same as CMag but with faster rate of fire, less penetration, and more pewpewness.
--- Quote from: Viashino Cutthroat on November 11, 2008, 02:04:48 pm ---Three is too long; It should be 667ms, the normal invuln period.
--- End quote ---
This isn't enough. I personaly don't mind, a spawn victim or two is always welcomed :/
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