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Author Topic: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?  (Read 78271 times)

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2008, 05:28:37 am »

Let me play as the female scientist and I'm good.

That or civilian.

WNxchaos master

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2008, 04:10:14 am »

Copied from WN site...

I was playing today and I was thinking about having a detailed player statistics page. Such as kill counts with each weapon, miles walked, games played, etc. Have achievements to reward people for milestones.

Tanks. Or even other vehicles like the cars and jeeps from streets that you couldn't drive originally. Server chooses if they spawn. Can be used for CTF, or maybe a vehicle flavored DM. Multi-seated. Destructable. Respawnable. Idk how hard that would be.

Base-oriented team DM and CTF games. For example on streets, one building could be Janus' spawning area/base and another can be MI6's. It's more interesting and fun to spawn at, assault, and defend a base rather than a random hallway. Get creative, for example on bunker, MI6 could raid from the helipad while Janus spawns from close to the jail cells.

I would rather have the guns be closer to the original than real life if that's possible. Especially sounds. Like in the original, the DD44 was a beefy badass pistol, and now it's a wimpy, weak-sounded one. Fix the weapons, especially the Cougar. Make a good akimbo (two guns) system that isn't clunky.

Fix the sounds. I want to hear the correct sound when I open bunker doors or the gray push doors. Also make the sound when you get hit, and make the screen flash and the person stunned/impaired. Like the original. So the people aren't tanks who don't react to pain until they drop dead.

Fix hit detection so I don't have to lead anymore. Perhaps balance will be less of an issue when I can pick off headshots well with any gun.

Fix spawning so I don't get killed in 1 second plz&ty

Redo the overall look of the game (menus, etc) to be more like goldeneye in visuals and sounds. I don't want to feel like I'm playing Half-Life 2.

Make it so that when I'm walking, the hand moves around like in the original game rather than staying completely still. Idle hand movement too. Also in the original, the camera slowly bobbed around as Bond's head did not stay completely still like a robot either. It would be appreciated to see this in GE:S.

Better 3rd person weapon animations. The ones now look...not great. And as mentioned before, especially fix the cougar's 3rd person and fix how the silencer always shows on the pp7 and never shows on the ZMG (not sure, does it?) even when those firing modes are not being used.

Silencers and more alternate firing modes, even if they aren't in the original. I would love to have dual silenced DD44's.


I disagree with spawning protection because in other games I've played with it, it basically makes you fear spawning people like the plague, because they'll run your shit with invincible vs 1 shot kill spectacularness. The metagame will more or less recognize it as a ramming shield. I would prefer you just make it so people can't spawn near enough to enemies that they can't react before being killed. Which is not too much. Or you could do both. But if people are still popping up 5 feet in front of my face (and killing me now) I can't help but feel that the game is broken.


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2008, 06:14:23 am »

- Dual-wielding weapons. Even though you could dual-wield anything except for maybe the taser with All guns, I'd still like to keep it to pistols and knives, and maybe the ZMG. I don't think I would want face someone with double shotguns, or golden guns.

- A radar.

- More classic maps. As cool as the new maps are, having classic versions is great. I want to see classic Cradle, Runway, Dam and so on.

- Better sounds. As already stated, a lot of the weapons sound lame. The ZMG sounds like a popcorn machine. I'd like it if you just ripped the sounds from the original game and used those.

All I can think of for now.

WNxchaos master

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2008, 06:56:23 am »

I think I would like to keep the "duel wield any gun" aspect. It could be set so the server chooses what guns are allowed to be duel wieldable. Running around with two enormous guns going full auto is ridiculous but fun too. What other game can you have two rocket launchers?

Another thing I forgot to mention: make more use of the watch. I loved the watch in GE64 and it is the coolest pause screen ever. You might not be able to make a pause screen in this game but maybe you could keep those design cues in mind if you're redoing menus. Though I noticed you already chose the folder theme.
Is there any chance we can get the watch laser and magnet in GE:S?

Another suggestion is to include all the outfits from the single player. From the regular stealth suit in Dam to the early made blue suit to the snow suit, jungle suit, and of course the tuxedo.

Which leads me to the probably too demanding suggestion of making the first person hands match the character. Even if that's too much, just making matching hands for Bond's suits would be appreciated.


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2008, 04:04:59 pm »

I'd like to direct your attention to the Task List:

This is very much updated for Beta3 in the programming part (cant speak for the rest). Expect a blog post tonight on the upcoming release.

Mark [lodle]

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2008, 04:25:43 pm »

Ah Monkey, normal people cant see that list (only devs can).


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2008, 04:48:15 pm »

I'd like to direct your attention to the Task List:
give me:
An Error Has Occurred!
You can not view the check list.

Base-oriented team DM and CTF games. For example on streets, one building could be Janus' spawning area/base and another can be MI6's. It's more interesting and fun to spawn at, assault, and defend a base rather than a random hallway. Get creative, for example on bunker, MI6 could raid from the helipad while Janus spawns from close to the jail cells.

I totaly agree. It was already implemented in beta 1.0 in a basic form on some map, and was really fun.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 04:51:10 pm by Doc.NO »


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2008, 11:31:40 pm »

My bad lol, didn't know that was a dev resource, regardless i'll keep you guys posted in my blog


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2008, 01:21:01 am »

Capture GoldenEye - A deathmatch game, one person holds the key to GoldenEye while the other players have to take it off them. The longer the person holds the key they score more points (1 minute = 10 pts etc), killing incoming enemies to capture the GoldenEye key doubles the point. Knife kills takes away other players score. Just an idea I thought up, sounds fun, have a nice giggle and laugh with your mates, thats what I always remember about GE64. :D



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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2008, 05:27:07 pm »

Capture GoldenEye - A deathmatch game, one person holds the key to GoldenEye while the other players have to take it off them. The longer the person holds the key they score more points (1 minute = 10 pts etc), killing incoming enemies to capture the GoldenEye key doubles the point. Knife kills takes away other players score. Just an idea I thought up, sounds fun, have a nice giggle and laugh with your mates, thats what I always remember about GE64. :D

If you REALLY wanted to be accurate to Goldeneye, there should be 2 keys  ;) (perhaps double points for holding both? or maybe if you get both and reach a certain area in the map a laser kills everyone except you and you get a few points for every death :D just throwing ideas out here)

I'd like to see the Golden Gun, since nothing gets a swarm of people to attack you like holding the Golden Gun XD


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2008, 11:05:20 pm »

If you REALLY wanted to be accurate to Goldeneye, there should be 2 keys

I think he meant the gold square object with the amber/gold round thing in the center that their was only one of, not the keys then used to activate it.

Which brings up something that bothered me, why didn't they have a key in cuba. They totally controlled the facility so no matter how elaborate the safe if their was one they should have been able to get to it. Unless the soviets took it away from the facility; which would make the entire cuba site was kinda useless, you would have to fly the only existing key half way around the world to their (assuming the reason the bunker site not being able to be used is because it was leveled by enemy bombs).
« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 11:07:31 pm by Cyan »


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2008, 09:16:53 am »

good point

also, finally got to play the demo, forget the golden gun suggestion XD

But yeah, a hold the item scenario is always fun :)


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2008, 05:02:02 am »


- better server creation gui (any options that can be changed in the INI - or whatever file it is - should be in the gui)
- CHANGE THE DEFAULT ROUND TIMER TO 10 MINUTES - i know this is changable already, but change the DEFAULT
- there should be an override that allows a server creator to make ALL item spawns (easy solution?) set to the same timer... changeable times could prevent armor/ammo camping... default should be set to whatever GE64 was set at
- i TOTALLY second being able to open and close doors at any time, regardless if its already opening or closing. this was a GREAT tactic in GE64
- in GE64, you could detonate all thrown (or currently in the process of being thrown) remote mines by pressing A & B together (the change weapon & reload binds). if you truly want to capture GE64, this needs to be added. this is classic tactic.

most importantly,

- release it with the smallest delay possible, and no push-backs


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2008, 06:20:07 am »

- in GE64, you could detonate all thrown (or currently in the process of being thrown) remote mines by pressing A & B together (the change weapon & reload binds). if you truly want to capture GE64, this needs to be added. this is classic tactic.

You can do this in Beta 1 just throw the mine and jam both mouse buttons a couple times and will blow in mid air. Works pretty well, good for door clearing. Could use a little tweak, but works pretty good rite now.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2008, 07:32:43 am »

jam both mouse buttons a couple times

really? my mouse buttons are set to jump and zoom in, and this doesnt work for me
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