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[Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« on: November 05, 2008, 08:20:25 am »

As you all know we are working hard on the Beta 3 release of the mod, and we wanted to take a quick break and ask you, our fans what you want in the next release. Basically if you were a Dev working and developing the mod what features are a must for the next release. You can list anything you want from characters, maps, game types, and other features. The team is interested what you want from this game so our release can live up to all your expectations. We are trying to make sure this next release lives up to the true GE64 experience we all had on the 64.

Goldeneye: Source Beta 3 already has more features and content in it than any of our previous releases combined. The team has made lists of features and content we want to get in the mod for this release and we are trying to make sure the list is complete and not missing anything vital to the experience. Along with this release we are planning to keep the mod up to date, so if a feature does not make the Beta 3 launch it will be available in a patch shortly after depending on what the feature is.

Feel free to think of any content you want to see in GES, the team values your input.

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 01:31:18 pm »

Ok I think I will be the first :

- A better weapon selection menu. Please... This orange is just... IDK... ugly...

- 3 skins per characters. For an exemple, Bond whit blue, brown or black suit. Ourumov whit or whitout an hat. Boris whit different t-shirt.

- Important one : A WAY better "create a server" option. You guys can add a lot of feature like "enable footsteeps", "weapons selection", "Respawn time", "Enable paintball mode", and a lot of others ones.

- You can add the minimap. Say goodbye to campers.

That's all I request :D . Thank you all!
Just in case, I'm French. So if you see that some of my sentences dosen't make any sens, you know why. But hey, who care anyway ?


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 07:06:20 pm »

stop pushing teh delay button?


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2008, 09:14:18 pm »

Add all the great goldeneye feel over to the mod. Main menu, Loading Screens, etc. Maybe a nice remix of Tina Turner's song from GE film.  :)


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 09:38:55 pm »

We need Janus don't forget JANUS!!!

Also Natalya and Xenia would be great to have in this mod. Remember they are important characters in this game.

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 09:59:41 pm »

Dual wielding, and custom player model animations so that when the characters are holding pistols, they hold it with one arm outstretched (like in ge64 multiplayer) instead of using the poorly-fitting hl2dm rigs.

Oh, and custom death animations would be neat, so that when a person dies, they do one of those classic, overdone deaths, just like the ones from ge64, then turn into ragdolls. A good way to handle the ragdolls would be to use a ragdoll system similar to the one already in beta 1, where there is one ragdoll per person, and when that person dies again, the ragdoll disappears, but instead of the ragdoll popping out of existence, it could fade out slowly like the dead bodies in ge64.
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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 11:13:48 pm »

I was trying to find this thread the other day....

Anyways I've been playing GE:S online for a very long time now, these are the sever issues that I would like to be addressed in beta 3 before even considering new features:

- Quite often the doors opens into/towards you (particularly in new facility), they should always open away it's so very annoying when they open towards you! Also related when a server is seriously laggy the doors in new facility go into spasm when opening and take forever to open if at all!

- Fix the sticky objects issue! some random object on the floor makes you get stuck.

- The spawn system is quite frankly stupid (especially in LTK mode) no offense, quite often the player who kills you, you immediately spawn next/near them and get killed straight away and in general you end up spawning next to/near other players and get no chance, which can also repeat a number of times!. It was okay back in the day with the N64 version because it was just 4 people but it just doesn't cut it anymore.

- Collision Detection/Response (CD) and lag compensation, pretty much all the main issues so far fundamentally derive from these issues. If I had to pick just one thing from my list I'd pick this one, please, please sort out and thoroughly test the collision detection code.

- KF7 is way overpowered, not many realize this yet but you can (ab)use the KF7 to kill players in 1, 2 or 3 shots if you can manage to get some headshots with it.

- In general you just die way to quickly, either reduce the amount of damage on weapons or give more health. Right now the game is so very unbalanced with New Players vs Regular Pros that is why there is so very little many regular players for GE:S online at the moment, all the time I see new players try the mod just once, come up against a regular pro at GE:S and they give up completely and never try GE:S again.

- Bunny hopping, I don't mind it being in or out but if you're going to keep it limit the rate at which you can hop/jump, some people do it so fast repeatedly that bullets which clearly hit (in LTK mode with paintball enabled) the CD system never registers a hit.

- Players with much higher pings than other players should not get higher-priority on hit registration. What I mean is as of current if a player shoots & hits another player with a much higher ping than them it’s never registered but when it is the other way around it is almost always registered, this is not fair and very frustrating. It is really bad in LTK mode, I've pumped a player with something like +50 bullets with the ZMG (and every shot hit which you can see in paint ball mode) and never killed the other player for which the other player turns around and kills me in one shot...

- LTK mode, personally I think players with a ping higher than say 120ms should get auto-kicked from the server.

New features I would like to see:

- Double weapons and mixing weapons what the weapons are.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 01:34:01 am by snk_kid »

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 04:00:02 am »

Alrighty then.
I could list off every single little thing, feature, and mode of play in the N64 game, but that would be asking way too much. So I'll just stick with what's important in the now.

-Dual-wielding weapons. However, there needs to be some sort of requirement that needs to be met before someone can be holding two. Otherwise, everyone will just pick up two and then everyone's spraying everything guns akimbo-style.




-Subterranean Caverns


-DK5 Deutsch (with silencer)
-Rocket launcher
-Grenade launcher

Of course, with such a long weapon list, server admins will need to be able to customize their weapon schemes.
How possible that is, I don't know.

-Sniper rifle has do deal more damage than it does. Not overboard, but...

-The RCP-90 also just... doesn't sound right. A higher-pitched sound would suit it.

In specific maps, another version of the antenna cradle would be awesome.
I like the current one. It works well.
However, there are several things that could always be improved.

1. Keeping the three towers with the walkways would still be fine. Or perhaps just having the one walkway on its own? The cable car from the film would be a nice touch as well. (Though that might not work perfectly if there's no base connected to the other end. ::)

2. lulz, Rocking the Cradle just started playing in Winamp.? 8)

3. The lower part of the cradle (called the azimuth arm) really ought to extend to a length longer than the main triangular support of the structure. The whole thing looks scrunched...

4. Having the azimuth arm rotate along its track now and then would be kickass.

5. The antenna itself could be longer. It too looks scrunched.
Though I can see why it wouldn't be too terribly long, as it would be a chore getting back up without getting shot by someone looking down.

The cradle thing isn't important to this specific release. Just something that would be ball-to-the-walls awesome if created for the final version of the TC.

So, yeah. That's my input.

Thanks for reading.

Pretty sure I'm finished editing this now. ^^;

- Bunny hopping, I don't mind it being in or out but if you're going to keep it limit the rate at which you can hop/jump, some people do it so fast repeatedly that bullets which clearly hit (in LTK mode with paintball enabled) the CD system never registers a hit.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 03:47:31 am by Rodney 1.666 »
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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 04:02:05 am »

Doors that can be closed while they're opening and a selectable/upgradable Ourumov with hat. :)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 04:04:33 am by Sergeant Kelly »


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 04:20:59 am »

- With the new input of LUA coded game modes, maybe some LUA coding tutorials and info on the forums. The more 3rd party content the better. 

- Get rid of the damn Weapon Loadouts text file..

- Better Gun sound FX

I know you guys have probably already fixed these or thought of them, but seeing them twice or more can't hurt :P


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 05:49:16 am »

I will address the requests you guys point out that have already been fixed / implemented in the programmer's blog. FYI, a lua tutorial tailored to GE will be on the wiki prior to release along with the convars and their meanings.

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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 12:37:07 am »

Hello, I'm new to the forums, and used to play a fair bit of GES a while back. I agree that you die way to quickly in it. Sometimes it just feels like your constantly being killed. Good mod right enough. Going to redownload it just now for my lappy :D


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2008, 01:52:53 am »

- everything exploding. I really enjoyed that in ge64. There are already some exploding props, but most of them arent.

- spawn protection. Since there are more than 4 players in a game due to the nature of the mod, while the maps are more or less the same size, I think it's a good way to avoid spawn killing. I've added this on my LTK server, and its much much better.

- better weapon balance. Think you guys are already working on this :/

- dual wielding ala GE64.

- better weapon sounds. Right now it sound sooo low budget and botched.

- a bug free release. And, if a bug arise, a QUICK patch.

- team spawn. C'mon it takes two mins to code, and was so neat in beta 1.0.

- a detailled documentation of LUA with examples. I'm with razor on this one.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 01:54:32 am by Doc.NO »


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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2008, 02:57:08 am »

Exploding props are fun but there were no props in MP, and we don't want a pistols match to be about blowing up table lamps.  We'll figure something out.

Invulnerability periods are implemented, so they should trigger on spawn. That gives you .7 seconds to dodge, or return fire in LTK/SA.

Weapons are going to rock, but I'm not guaranteeing to get them on Goldeneye specs before B3; ten months ago everyone said "we're not doing that deadline crap ever again..." and now people are talking deadlines.  I lol. :D

Dualies are in-progress but likely not on Goldeneye spec.
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Re: [Dev's Ask Fans] What do you want in Beta 3?
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2008, 03:33:10 am »

That gives you .7 seconds to dodge, or return fire in LTK/SA.
Wonder if it's enough... implemented that, and 1 second isn't enough, 2 is too much. 1.5 is fine.

Exploding props are fun but there were no props in MP, and we don't want a pistols match to be about blowing up table lamps.
No prop in MP, true. But it would be nice to have them in ges, gain more ge64 feeling. And as long as prop explosions don't takes damages, it wont impact gameplay, if that's what your worried about.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 03:39:50 am by Doc.NO »
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