1) Check every day. It is part of my routine schedule. Beta 3 looks so promising so I can't wait.
2) I really don't care what some people might says, the front page of the website should really be updated when there is an update like the beta 3 update. Otherwise, it really defeats the purpose of "redesigning" the web page like it is now. Some people aren't the blog/forum type so they will not go into the forums and see if there is an update. If you are curious of activity from people, that is one way to really boost the community which would also give you guys more developers because of activity. Very important.
Gameplay wise, everything looks like it is pulling together nicely. I am in total agreement of "create a server" option, and that almost ALL the gun sounds need to be redone. The RCP90 and the AR33 just sound cheesy. They need to sound more realistic. Thanks for the "Census blog". These are what I wait to see every day. Something new.

Thanks GE:S team an sorry for all the crap i give you guys. I really do support you, and I am not trying upset you.