Editing and Customization > General Discussion

Achievement Ideas

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Rodney 1.666:
Hell, people do that upon low health anyway. ::)

The creative juices aren't flowing rite now, but how about a achievement for getting a kill after the round has ended.

Name would maybe be a play on scoreboard, and maybe a school reference.... maybe like:

Late Attendance: Get a kill after the round has ended.


--- Quote from: JessEH [The Beatles pwn j00!] on August 25, 2009, 11:03:23 pm ---Why should you get achievements for killing yourself/getting killed?

--- End quote ---

For england james was an excellent idea. still have yet to earn it.

I talk about this before but i want to see some characters unlocked though the earning of achievements 

For England, James is broken in Beta 3.1.4.  It will be working again in Beta 4 (it already is in the development branch)


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