Editing and Customization > General Discussion

Achievement Ideas

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I like that one for Samedi Beatles, your others are pretty slammin too. Can you cook up some icons?

The Beatles pwn j00!:
I'll try to.


--- Quote from: Rodney 1.666 on July 27, 2009, 08:21:35 pm ---You can't win. - As Ourumov, kill 6 people in the same room in one go.

(That is, without allowing them to leave said room and come back.)

--- End quote ---

What if it was like this?

You Can't Win - as Ourumov, win X rounds in Facility Backzone while favouring the DD44 (classic or not; 4+ players).

It could be 25 or even 50 rounds and about the weapon favouring, it is the one that shows up on the post-match report, if that can be made into an achievement.

I have another idea:

Pussy Galore - win 25 rounds while playing as a female character

For this one I initially thought about calling it Alotta Fagina but then I realized this isn't Austin Powers: Source

Rodney 1.666:

--- Quote from: PPK on July 31, 2009, 10:15:11 am ---I have another idea:

Pussy Galore - win 25 rounds while playing as a female character

For this one I initially thought about calling it Alotta Fagina but then I realized this isn't Austin Powers: Source

--- End quote ---

Could perhaps simply call it Onatop, and have the icon resemble one of these doing... something, likely violent, to the opposite figure.

I'm sure you can fill in the blank with various things.

~Edited for the last time. Stupid linking issues...

Another one which could be made hidden:

004 - kill yourself with your own mines 25 times.


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