Editing and Customization > General Discussion

Achievement Ideas

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PPK, that is perfect I love it!

Although I don't like the name for the grenade launcher one.... work in something about the launcher in the name


--- Quote from: killermonkey on July 26, 2009, 05:47:11 pm ---Although I don't like the name for the grenade launcher one.... work in something about the launcher in the name

--- End quote ---

Yes sir, I will! Permission to start working on the icons?

Permission granted, hehe

Sergeant Kelly:
Does Jaws have any achivements? Here are two character ones.

You can't win. - As Ourumov, win a round with a 15+ point advantage. (4+ Players)
Juggernaut - As Jaws, win an entire round without dying once. (4+ Players)

Rodney 1.666:
You can't win. - As Ourumov, kill 6 people in the same room in one go.

(That is, without allowing them to leave said room and come back.)


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